The computer and electronics industry offers a wide variety of employments and beautiful job opportunities for young graduates. Discover all the jobs of computer and electronics.
Using his cell phone, paying by credit card, driving his car, sending an email, all these everyday actions involve making use of new technologies. Suffice to say that it is impossible today to leave computer or electronics. The sector is highly dynamic with millions of people in position and recruiting needs constantly renewed, especially in research and development.
More and more recruitments are expected each year, due to a growing market, a complexity in the technical field and numerous retirements.
IT opportunities
Main opportunities for computer enthusiasts, the digital service companies alone can offer a great % of the available positions, including consulting positions in organization and software integration. The profiles of interest are obviously qualified and especially trained in the latest technological advances, ie graduated young from engineering schools. Factories, administrations are also looking to recruit IT specialists for the protection and maintenance of their systems, especially at the time of digital wars and the proliferation of hacks.
New opportunities of the net
The development of internet in all areas of personal and professional life and the proliferation of media (mobile, tablets) increased job opportunities for IT professionals.
Create tools, software, programs and applications for Internet, broadcast, install and maintain it: so many interesting opportunities. And many start-ups continue to emerge around these innovative projects. Not to mention all trades born of the Internet and related media (web designer, graphic designer) or e-commerce.
List of computer and electronics jobs
- Design and develop: programmer analyst, IT project manager, industrial computing engineering, artificial intelligence engineer, computer engineer, infrastructure expert, chief of products and offers, planner, network architect, quality and tools methods manager, chief of web partnerships.
- Manage and control: IT consultant, administrator of the database, network and systems administrator, consultant specializing in networks and systems safety, IT manager, studies manager, support manager, operations manager, pilot of operating, infrastructure technician, contract manager, production manager, technical manager, job consultant, manager of resources, service manager, responsible of method and tools, data analyst, data scientist, chief digital officer, growth hacker.
- Install and assist: computer assistant technician, telecommunications technician, technology security, seller consulting in microprocessing, technical consultant, operating integrator.
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