Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Managing Your Career In Everyday Life

Friday, August 26, 2016

Managing Your Career In Everyday Life

Nowadays, a career does not mean working for the same company throughout his life as did our grandparents. We must move forward to evolve and adapt to the world of enterprise. What behavior to adopt to perform his job taken? How to succed his integration into business and find his place in a team?

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Competency evaluation is not judging you, it is also a time to make a point with his superior. Each year, you also have your evaluation interview: how to pass it with success and know explain your failures? You want to access new responsibilities, ask for a promotion or even ask for a raise: how should you take it to be credible? Changing jobs is one of your goals not to fall into the routine: how to use professional network and what is outplacement?

Why making a professional reorientation?

Are you bored in your current position, you are lacking motivation and you do not have a lot of recognition for the accomplished work. It is decided, you need a fresh start to boost your career. How to make a professional reorientation? What are the different possibilities: balance sheets, formations?

What is expatriation?

Expatriation is to work and live abroad for a while. It takes a lot of thought, because it is a capital and strategic decision that can not be improvised.

How will the company perform international mobility of these employees? What are the necessary formalities to accomplish to leave? What about your status to be decided by your company: detached or expatriate, as in social protection, this is not at all the same thing. What are the main clauses of your expatriation contract? Have you thought about your return from abroad? Regarding your remuneration, how is defined your expatriate salary? Do you receive expatriation premium?

Expatriation does not relieve you of any obligation to the tax authorities: how is calculated the expatriate tax and for what type of taxes?

Your social protection should not be neglected, because it will be different according to the status defined by your enterprise: for what expatriate insurance to opt? What expatriate mutual and pension of expatriates?

All these points will be carefully analyzed before leaving your country to make an international career.

What are the keys to a successful career management?

Career success is through good control of an interpersonal communication. However, to bring a new dynamic to your career, there are several methods to be used that will be different depending on age and activity sector.

Other criteria will not be neglected as:

* making a presentation or speaking in public,

* preparing and conducting a meeting,

* your relationships and your behavior at work can be great assets if you know how to exist and take your place in a team.

* attention to stressful periods of work that often cause misunderstandings and lead to conflicts.

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