Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Outplacement

Friday, August 26, 2016


Outplacement: personalized support in your job search.

Career does not mean to do it in the same company. To better bounce, you change job or make a path change due to a professional reorientation.

Image result for Outplacement

What is outplacement?

Outplacement is often considered during an individual and/or negotiated dismissal. This service is often financed by the company that wants support its collaborator during his job search.

This benefit may be:

* limited in time or,

* unlimited with a commitment to results of outplacement firm.

However, this benefit is not mandatory, but is often used as part of a social plan.

Outplacement involves all employees (management and non-management).

What are the missions of outplacement firm?

Outplacement is a consulting service that helps the employee to find a job more easily in consistency with his experiences and skills acquired during his career.

The mission of outplacement firm will be:

* analyzing the main strengths and abilities of the employee following a professional and personal balance sheet,

* clarifying his project, development and validation,

* bringing him moral support,

* establishing an action plan with a targeted market,

* expanding his professional network,

* accompanying him in his oral and written communication, implementing job search techniques, as follows:

- making a cover letter,
- making a resume,
- attending a job interview,

* assist him in negotiating the next labor contract.

To do this, the individual benefits of home and professional logistics structures.

How to negotiate a benefit of outplacement?

The financing of an outplacement benefit by the company, is not a requirement, so you have to support the financial charge.

Nevertheless, it is often proposed by the company in a transaction or a redundancy.

If you yourself are financing this benefit, take the time to:

* meet many outplacement firms,

* request a detailing quote: time to work with the consultant, making professional logistics provision, the duration of the benefit, guarantees of return to employment, etc.

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