Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Time Management

Monday, August 15, 2016

Time Management

Your time is precious, know to manage it effectively.

A personal and efficient organization requires good time management and better management of stress.

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Time management has a target to learn how to invest the time available:

* how to plan,

* set priorities,

* delegate and organize daily activities.

In the workplace, time defines several concepts that allow to know:

* what is happening,

* localization of time for a given purpose: date of revival, date of appointment,

* the time frame for the completion of a task or project, such as the needed time volume: duration of a meeting, delivery time, writing a report,

* orders and priorities in time, that is to say, the stresses in the successive sequence of tasks in priority order as: taking notes, proofreading, signing, sending.

How to manage time?

There are several types of individual:

* Some work better under pressure and at the last minute:

- They feel that it stimulates their creativity and productivity.
- Attention, spacetime allocated to the task will be reduced and it will become more difficult to control.

* Others like lead multi-task (multitasking): you must remain cautious, because you can quickly lose control and find it difficult to perform tasks efficiently and on time.

* Those who can not organize themselves: they do not take time to organize, this is a waste of time and energy, because they lose much time looking for information.

Being organized helps to be effective in time knowing how to manage tasks on time and in order of priority.

So there will have basic rules so the management of time takes place in good conditions:


* Determine objectives by setting deadlines.

* The objectives to be determined will be feasible, tangible, measurable and motivating.
Scheduling Tasks

* Prepare the work knowing use of time while trying to best reduce turnaround times.

* Sort tasks by priority.

* Control of time management: verification of the result and then compare the forecast/realized.

Planning Tasks is the organization of work on the short, medium or long term: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.

The main objective will be to plan the most profitable and most efficient activities in priority and to devote the necessary time.

The task list

A list of all tasks will be carried out and monitored regularly to know whether the objective has been achieved:

* the elective important tasks will be to plan,

* the urgent and important tasks will be carried out as a priority,

* the unimportant and less urgent tasks will be further processed,

* the unimportant tasks, but urgent may be delegated.

The efficiency cycle

Each individual has his efficiency cycle, ie the periods of day when it is more productive and more efficient: morning, afternoon, or evening.

The time management will consider its efficiency cycle.

Different methods

There are different methods of time management: the NERRC method and WWWWHHW method

The method NERRC: Note - Estimate - Reserve - Referee - Check

NERRC is a listing to make to establish different priorities.

It is advisable to remove as the completed tasks.

Then, it will be wise to make a point between:

* the actual time and the time required,

* the scheduled tasks that have not been achieved,

* the unforeseen tasks, but which were realized.

Then we analyze the differences between forecasts and reality.

The WWWWHHW method: Who - What - Where - When - How - How much and Why

Time management tools

The paper agenda is not yet abolished for some and is a good basis for the organization of work.

The organizer, meanwhile, can be collective or individual use.

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