Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Skills Assessment

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Skills Assessment

A professional project to define, the skills assessment can help it.

Career assessment and skills assessment make it easier to redirect or change jobs.

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What is skills assessment?

Skills assessment stems from an agreement between management and unions on reforming the conventional system of professional training.

It can be requested by the employee or proposed by the employer. This means that it can therefore take place without the company's agreement:

* In this case, you will take care of funding and you will perform it outside working time.

* Nevertheless, you may be granted a leave for the occasion.

Skills assessment is carried out by an external service provider to the company.

What is the purpose of this assessment?

The objective of skills assessment is to enable the employee to analyze:

* his professional and personal skills and,

* his aptitudes and motivations,

Which will lead to a professional project or a training project, such as:

* a qualifying training,

* a degree course,

* or a paid training.

Skills assessment: who benefits?

People eligible for a skills assessment are:

* employees in the private sector,

* not holding officials and employees of the public service, but performing a public career,

* job seekers,

* non-employees: independent, liberal professions.

How does the skills assessment take place?

The skills assessment is in three stages:

* a preliminary step,

* an investigative stage,

* a concluding stage.

The preliminary phase

The preliminary phase is to:

* engage the employee in his approach,

* define his real needs and expectations,

* inform on the progress of assessment and the used techniques.

The investigation phase

The investigation stage has a main goal:

* to analyze the motivations and professional and personal interests,

* to identify skills and professional and personal aptitudes of employee and his general knowledge,

* to determine his professional development.


A summary will be presented to the beneficiary of skills assessment. This one is personal and confidential, only the concerned employee will be the beneficiary of assessment sheet conclusion.

The synthesis will identify factors that facilitate or not the realization of a professional project and the stages of its implementation.

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