Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Work Behavior

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Work Behavior

Be friendly, professional colleague. Business life is strewn with pitfalls, it will have to interpret them for good enterprise integration and better relations at work.

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Behavior at work: intro

To flourish in professional life, it is not enough to have strong skills, you also have to learn to integrate into a team and know the company's culture.

* Beware clumsy criticism and very personal behavior that can play in your favor.

* Know that the boss is still the boss, not your colleague with whom one discusses his little personal problems.

* Keep an acceptable distance from your superior, keep in mind that it is him who:

- hired you,
- manage your career development by conducting an assessment of your skills.

How to make a place at work?

Soon, you will perform your taken of job, the first impression you give will be capital.

* Be relaxed, smiling, kind and determined.

* Know also decipher the codes and rituals that govern the company.

* Reach out to others.

- Remember the magic words: hello, goodbye, please, thank you.
- These salutations are for everyone of the worker to the frame.
- Do not make social racism.

* Offer help

- You can offer your help without this becomes a habit, do not be too intrusive either.
- You can also ask for advice.

* Respect for hierarchy

- Please respect the levels of hierarchy: you first address to your manager before coming to the big boss. Your direct superior would be annoyed to have been ousted.
- Avoid also to blackmail your boss, try to negotiate peacefully advancing concrete arguments.

* Putting yourself forward

- Know highlight yourself by being initiatives (search for information about the competition or on your company's business).
- You will be noticed and this will allow you to win new exciting missions.

* Be professional

- To be professional, you must be punctual, efficient, responsive, creative, energetic, productive.
- Do not be satisfied just with the minimum, it is sometimes necessary to know to accommodate schedules staying a little longer in the evening if an important file requires it. This will prove your ability to adapt.
- Do not promise the impossible either, be realistic, analyze your skills and the time to take to achieve the entrusted mission.

* Team spirit

- Opt for the team spirit by sharing information and files if they are not confidential.
- Team and service assistance to which you belong will be even more productive.

In all cases, interpersonal communication influences your behavior in the workplace, you must know to master it to avoid conflict management.

Some tips

To maintain good relationships at work, there are some basic rules to follow, namely:

* do not pollute the sound environment of your colleagues shouting, you can move to meet the person to whom you are speaking;

* do not reveal too much your intimate life that could fuel the conversation, especially if you want to grow within the company and become a manager;

* avoid being as a victim, it gives a bad image about you;

* register in a positive dynamic, avoid gossip, mockery: have a spirit of constructive group;

* avoided: denigrating your superior to your coworkers, even if you feel the need, it may turn against you;

* know your criticism, acknowledge your responsibilities and identify your failures to improve.

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