Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Leading a Team

Monday, August 15, 2016

Leading a Team

Leading a team requires skill.

To become a manager, you have to lead a team, delegate and have ability to reframe a collaborator.

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What is leading a team?

Nowadays, the manager is under tremendous pressure at the company and outside (customers, partners). Therefore, it will have:

* big responsibility,

* important decisions often involving the company's credibility for which he works,

* to set goals to his employees and to himself,

* to meet individual requirements.

To succeed in his mission, he will have a sense of performance for him and his team.

Everyone will go in the same direction to achieve the same objectives that are increasingly high in this difficult economic situation.

How to lead a team?

Leading a team every day requires effective personal organization to work better together as a team.

It also requires some experience. A young 25/30 year will have more difficult to lead a team as large schools have not formed him specifically to lead, they simply give management models, therefore, there is a reality gap.

While leading a team is based on the exchange, listening and dialogue. These are the essential and unavoidable conditions to success.

However, these conditions take into account: the company's culture, its methods and habits.

In order to work in a serene atmosphere, a good manager will:

* manage spirits,

* learn to manage conflicts to avoid confrontation.

The manager's main task will regularly make a point with his collaborators.

* The interview will be warm and safe from eavesdroppers.

* This will be an open discussion with an exchange of views.

* The meeting will also aim to provide an overview of the situation.

Knowing his teams

To lead a team, it is essential to know it well, that is to say:

* Who belongs to the team?

* What is the length of collaborators?

* What are their skill levels?

* What is their way of working?

* How organized is the current team?

This analysis will:

* keep the the conducting thread by adapting or

* set up a new organization within the department through creativity techniques.

Mistakes to avoid

To learn to lead a team, there are some mistakes to avoid, such as:

* divide and rule: that is to say, to serve people who agree with you against those who disagree or have a different point of view than yours;

* be a tyrant: be never satisfied, be irritable, criticize regularly the work of a collaborator without knowing the ins and outs;

* bad faith or playing the wind vane: it is confusing, demoralizing and gradually destroys the climate of trust.

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