Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Career Assessment

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Career Assessment

You are currently stagnate in your post, you asked for a raise, but you have not obtained it, thus you plan to change the path.

What is a career assessment?

The career assessment is an internal mobility management tool for companies. It will therefore help to rethink their organization, often related to competitive market changes.

The career assessment will therefore be a career development for employees of the company.

It is often funded by the formation budget of the concerned company. It can be led by:

* an outside consultant to the company or,

* be performed by an internal orientation consultant to society.

What is the purpose of career assessment?

Unlike skills assessment, which stems from an agreement between employers and unions, the purpose of career assessment is not to analyze the individual professional skills.

Its main objective is to:

* assess the skills and motivation to define the best assets of contributor,

* build progression axes for a development of relevant and rewarding career,

* study and validate the training needs:

- skills training,
- graduate education,
- or paid training,

* develop a career plan.

What are the benefits?

The career assessment provides benefits to employees, but also to the company:

For the employee

The career assessment can:

* better identify its strengths and weaknesses and the main motivations,

* understand its past to bounce back in this order to position on the labor market,

* validate a project with its objectives and competencies.

For the company

This is an excellent career management tool that allows the company to:

* identify the potential of its employees,

* set a career transition anticipating mobility,

* retain those wishing to stay and therefore invest in the company.

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