Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Expatriate Employment

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Expatriate Employment

Choose to go abroad to boost your career.

Before going abroad, remember to check if all your papers are in order: ID card and valid passport, do you need a visa?

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Remember to prepare well your departure before leaving, not to suffer a crushing defeat.

Expatriate: the necessary formalities to perform

In your career plan, you plan to make an international career and your company gives you the means, however, before leaving, think of all the formalities to accomplish.

Identity documents

Before leaving, make sure all your papers and those of your family are in order.

Do not hesitate to contact foreign consular services in your country for the necessary time to obtain the requested documents. These are different depending on the country.

* ID card and/or valid passport depending on the country. The identity card is sufficient in some cases (ie if you work in the European Union).

* Visa to other countries.

Good to know: a minor traveling alone may use the passport of his parents on which he is notified. He must possess a document with his name as the passport.


Before leaving to work abroad, some vaccinations are sometimes necessary, even mandatory in some countries. Remember to check before your departure, they are essential to protect you against diseases.

Your welfare

Do not forget to report your departure from your country to local agencies (family allowance, health fund etc...) for your reimbursements of medical expenses, hospitalization, etc.

Expatriate: what about the contract?

It is very important to read between the lines to understand so well your contract. Ask yourself the right questions:

* What is the cost of your moving, dwelling?

* What is the duration of your mission?

* Who is your hierarchical superior?

* What does your remuneration: expatriation allowance, expatriation premium?

Expatriate employment: detached or expatriate?

Going to work abroad, what about your status: detached or expatriate?

Depending on your status, it will not be at all the same thing in social protection or labor law.

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