Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Talking On The Phone

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Talking On The Phone

It is important to communicate for career success: words, behavior, dress code are key components of communication.

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Phone: communication tool

The telephone is a vital tool to communicate in our personal and professional life:

* In our professional life, when in use, we represent our company.

* To convey a good image, we need to know to master this instrument which is indispensable nowadays. So we have to use it with method and courtesy.

The art of call

An established communication follows several rules. Your main objective will be put it into practice because the message will go through your voice.

It is therefore essential to demonstrate willingness to reduce the risk of misunderstanding or error.

To do this, you will need to know:

* answer the phone,

* identify,

* indicate the reason for his call,

* communicate clearly and pleasantly.

What are the rules?

To answer all these parameters, so there are rules to follow, namely:

First use the basic rules of politeness, knowing that the voice intonation will allow your interlocutor to know if you smile and you want to help him.

* Learn to identify: stating your name, department and company name; unless the interlocutor is not already passed by the receptionist or the secretary who has already given the name of  company or service.

* Know hear: listen carefully to what your correspondent told, talk with a natural and distinct voice.

* Customize your call: use the name of your interlocutor to show him that you are listening with interest.

* Note incoming calls:

- Your essential tools are the pencil and pad.
- Take complete message, note correctly the name of your caller and that of his company, do not forget to take his contact information (phone, email, etc.), the date and time of call are also important.

* Repeat the message to the caller: it is strongly recommended not to make mistakes (name, wrong number, misinterpreted message).

* Resume calls on hold: do not make your interlocutor wait too long , it indicates that you are disinterested by his call.

* Call the person back: if you are committed to do it.

Tips: what has to be done

Apart from the basic rules listed above, it should not be forgotten:

* the magic words: hello, goodbye, please, thank you, please, I am sorry, can I help you, etc.

* having a warm voice.

Remember that every call is important and you represent your company.

* If your voice is "smiling", pleasant, natural: you are efficient, your company will have a serious and dynamic image.

* Otherwise, it gives a bad impression and determines a lack of professionalism for you and your company.

What you should not do

There really are things to be avoided when you are on the phone, namely:

* eating or chewing gum,

* do not talk too loud,

* do not interrupt your interlocutor,

* do not be distracted by his environment, it would indicate that you are little concerned with the subject of appeal.

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