Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Administrative Jobs

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Administrative Jobs

The administrative tasks for office or accounting offer many opportunities in large and small companies. Discover all the administrative jobs.

Process mail, write the bills, do the bookkeeping: every company, large or small, is subject to the management of administrative tasks. For this, it uses personal with skills for office or accounting. For these specialists, opportunities are numerous.

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Be careful not to confuse Administration and... Administrative! The first refers to all the services responsible for running the state, ie the centralized public sector. The second brings together the jobs relating to the management and internal organization of a company. This is such positions in secretarial, accounting, legal affairs, human resources... Depending on the structure size and organization, these tasks may be performed by a single person or entire departments.

Administrative Job: diversified opportunities

It is difficult to accurately assess the number of employees in administrative jobs but it amounts to several million... Indeed, the number of companies in such country can exceed millions and more than that are created every year, in sectors as diverse as building, human services, crafts,... in the public service, the number of administrative positions is estimated at millions. Note that many retirements are promoted. Among the occupations with an administrative tasks, there is territorial attached, territorial administrative assistant, town clerk, administrative agent of Prefecture, treasury debt collector...

Administrative duties: qualification level increases

With the increasing complexity of management tasks for companies, especially towards the State and taxes, but also because of the spread of computers, the skills required to administrative officers are increasing. Large companies employ personal having a pointed qualification in a field: law, human resources, accounting, secretarial, etc. In small structures, it rather prefers versatile profiles with multiple skills and an acute sense of resourcefulness. In the public sector, it is observed only people who tend to be more qualified before coming to contest.

Farewell secretary, welcome to the assistant

Secretary symbolizes administrative occupations and their recent evolution. In recent years, these professional multi-caps have gained responsibilities and became assistants and even real collaborators for their superiors. Their missions are many: respond to written or electronic mails and calls, capture information, manage the agenda, be related to the personal internally or outwardly. The assistant of manager even has missions related to operational: her confidential notes and the information she gathers, help in making decision by management.

List of administrative jobs

- Manage: attached of school and university administration, project manager, responsible for staff administration, human resources director.

- Assist: administrative assistant, responsible of host, secretary, administrative secretary, secretary of school and university administration, executive assistant secretary, human resources assistant, company lawyer, lawyer in real estate, lawyer in local authority, lawyer specialized in industrial property, social jurist, medical assistant secretary, legal assistant secretary.

- Check: controller of customs, controller of public finances, accountant, management controller, treasury debt collector.

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