Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: International Career

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

International Career

Want to get away to boost your career.

Globalization has been through it and to reduce costs, companies are eager to establish subsidiaries abroad. They will therefore relocate.

Many opportunities will be to take in many professions and functions.

Image result for International Career

Multinationals, large groups, SMEs, NGO (Non Governmental Organization) and some jurisdictions will make eyes at young graduates and very experienced people.

It is of course imperative to speak at least fluent English, another foreign language will also be welcome.

What jobs for international tour to career?

The companies will seek mainly people with technical, commercial, scientific skills that will be paramount. Knowledge of the country and its culture will be a major asset.

We will find mainly the following jobs:

* international director,

* export manager at the international,

* organization responsible: eg hotel manager,

* international buyer,

* export assistant,

* diplomat,

* journalist,

* interpreter,

* international expert,

* foreign affairs secretary,

* and common jobs of a company (technical, logistics, IT, finance, marketing).

What about expatriation?

The international career rhymes with expatriation or secondment.

So you enjoy a special status decided by the employer. Please note, depending on the option, social protection will be different.

You will become a kind of expatriate.

Career opportunities

Make international career offers excellent opportunities, because this international mobility is encouraged by many companies.

It is a rewarding experience that can rebound effectively, your value in the labor market will be increased.

Career development is much faster and you will be well armed if:

* you decide to change job,

* you want to negotiate a raise or a promotion.

Some tips

You have been meaning to make an international career, however before to be hired, ask yourself the right questions, because it concerns your family and yourself.

* How long will you stay in the host country?

* Will you have evil in your country?

* Will you buy your home abroad?

* Would you like a career in your host country?

* Have you thought about your children schooling and professional career of your spouse?

* This enriching experience is really up to your expectations?

* Can you find your position and your function if you come back to settle in your country or a similar or more qualified job?

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