Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Career Plan

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Career Plan

Make a point on his professional development, reflecting on his aspirations and achievements helps to better rebound and grow his career.

What is a career plan?

Your career management requires anticipation of projects that seen crucial for your professional future.

So you will develop your strategic skills for the company to adapt to market changes and be at the forefront of trend.

This will help you prepare for tomorrow:

* for mergers, layoffs = bad surprises,

* or enter a new internal or external opportunity to the company or apply for promotion = good surprises

Build your career plan

Build your career plan is:

* identify your strengths and weaknesses = successes and failures,

* ensure consistency: your interests, your background and your job,

* you tap your professional network,

* determine your professional project: change jobs or make a professional transition,

* implement various action plans.

Career plan and company

The company policy today is to build career plans for their employees.

They are often determined during the competency evaluation of the latter.

This is when the evaluation interview with his supervisor that the employee will address:

* his projects,

* his ambitions,

* and his training needs.

The manager will therefore assess the potential of his employee to develop his career development.

This will allow the company to retain its best elements and discover those who are in inadequate professional skills.

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