Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Apply for Promotion

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Apply for Promotion

Apply for promotion often means wage increase.

You want an new interesting challenge, you need to break the routine, why not establish a professional project?

Why ask for a promotion?

In recent years, you are still in the same position and you are bored, you want to boost your career and therefore ask for a promotion or even ask for a raise.

Please note, although promotion often stems on an increase, it also happens:

* a new workload,

* new skills to acquire,

* ongoing stress to perform well in order not to disappoint your boss that made you trust.

Can you also combine your professional life with your private life?

When is the request?

Skills assessment, which usually takes place every year, will be the perfect time to ask your supervisor for your promotion.

During this evaluation interview, you will make it of:

* your successes but also your failures, because does not forget to address them,

* your goals and your expectations,

* your skills and performance.

This face-to-face with your manager is a time that should not be overlooked, as he will be attentive to your suggestions and your desire to access new features.

However, there may also be other times or other opportunities to apply for promotion, such as:

* your professional network that can be a great use, cultivate it,

* the increased activity of the company that is growing,

* the restructuring of a department,

* or new contracts, etc.

... are conducive to career development.

How to ask for a promotion?

You desire a particular position. Prepare your arguments well before the interview with your supervisor.

* Why are you attracted to this position?

* What added value would it bring to your career plan?

You have to be persuasive, confident and affirm that you are the right person for this position.

* be motivated,

* justify your skills and your performance requirements,

* demonstrate that you are ready to make your new position taking.

Do not hesitate to support all your arguments with a document that you will give to your manager.

You have prepared it carefully by describing your accomplishments, outlined concrete and numerical examples.

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