Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Preparing a Meeting

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Preparing a Meeting

To prepare a meeting, you must know, at first:

* the type of meeting,

* the opportunity of meeting,

* the object of meeting,

* and participants.

Image result for preparing a meeting

How to prepare a meeting?

To prepare a meeting, several important parameters will return into account, namely:

* drawing the outline of meeting,

* providing the date and room reservation,

* preventing the participants.

Drawing the outline of meeting

Developing the outline of meeting will lead to:

* The number of participants: a small number of people will make the meeting more effective.

* The harmonization of technical and/or political profile of participants will be important for discussions and decisions.

* The duration of meeting shall not exceed two hours. If it is not the case, schedule breaks which allow participants to relax, take their different messages or contact their office.

* The agenda: it must define the various topics to be addressed by providing schedules cutting depending on the importance of the subjects.

Providing the date and room reservation

The hardest part is finding the appropriate room for participants and free at the date they are available.

It must be easily accessible (transportation, parking).

You will need to consider:

* its capacity in term of seating;

* is the room modular (size and shape) according to the type of presentation or animation;

* the internet access if necessary;

* the presence of vital equipment such as: a computer, a video projector, a paper board, pencils, highlighters, etc;

* schedule breaks or restaurant if the meeting lasts half a day or one day;

* the date of meeting: to have a maximum of participants, avoid school periods and  summer holidays.

Preventing participants

During the broadcast of agenda, you do not omit to tell them exactly:

* the date and place of the meeting,

* the start time and end of the meeting: it is useful to book airline or train tickets,

* a map showing the transport facilities will be welcome,

* it is advisable to join a working document to facilitate exchanges and help participants prepare their intervention.

Preparing a meeting: some tips

Some tips are always helpful to better prepare a meeting, here are some:

* you will have to make a presentation and public speaking, so it is advisable to analyze on what medium you work: paper support, visual support (PowerPoint), transparencies, etc;

* also remember to arrive half an hour before the other participants to see if everything is in place (the organization of the room, logistics, microphone, Internet connection, video projector);

* also make sure of the visibility and comfort of your participants.

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