Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Job Application

Friday, August 19, 2016

Job Application

Many will say that finding a job nowadays falls obstacle course.

Build your action plan and manage better the available job offers in multiple formats.

What is an application?

To respond to an announcement or to present at a job interview, it is essential to have an application file to meet the qualifications and requirements of recruiter.

Your application will:

* respond to a job offer,

* be an unsolicited application.

When submitting your application, you will need:

* a cover letter,

* a resume.

Often, with your first job interview, the recruiter will ask you in addition to your cover letter and your CV:

* the certificate of professional qualification and/or your diplomas,

* a photo.

The application can be completed when the recruiter ask:

* a certificate of good character,

* an extract of your criminal record (required in some jobs).

Presentation of your application

Your application will receive the attention of recruiters among others. It will therefore be located on the top of applications stack.

So you do your own promotion stating:

* skills required for the position to be filled,

* your main qualities and successes,

* your experiences and professional goals,

* your professional project,

* the skills you want to acquire later.

After a thorough reading of the job announcement, several readings if necessary, you will send your application to the recruiter, taking care:

* to mention the name of the person to whom it is addressed,

* and references to the announcement.

The application by phone

At first, you will not need your cover letter and your resume, but you will have them with you to answer all possible questions of the recruiter.

The preparation

It will be imperative to prepare yourself for the interview, namely:

* if the recruiter gives you the option, choose a day when you are in shape (smile and dynamism resonate in your tone of voice);

* have ready a notepad and pen to record all the useful and interesting information about the company and the vacancy.

You have the recruiter on the phone

* Introduce yourself, give a brief and powerful overview of your professional career or your education if you are beginner;

* have a moderate speech rate, be clear and precise and in a quiet place not to be disturbed during the interview;

* send your motivation for the job;

* never cut the speech to the recruiter;

* your interviewer at the end of debate, will ask you to transmit your application file. Be cooperative and responsive by not delaying to send it.

* you will note in your job application:

- the day of interview,
- why this job interests you,
- do not forget to thank him,
- you are to send it to the interlocutor in person.

The application by Internet

The web has a lot of possibilities that offer many perspectives. You must respond to a job offer on the Internet:

* you send your application by email to the concerned recruiter to his personal email address;

* you will take good care to note the reference of the announcement in the "object" section;

* your application will be sent (CV and motivation letter) in an attached file. You will make a very short summary of the "message" page;

* check regularly your mailbox.

You can also submit your application directly on the site, sites dedicated to it, but it is more random and less personalized.

Warning: the latest software, it is necessary that all societies can read your application and too large files.

Manage his application

To manage his application, it is advisable to:

* call a few days later to make sure the recruiter has received your application,

* feel free to share your interest in the position and your motivations. This will get your file and maybe get an appointment.

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