Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Competency Evaluation

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Competency Evaluation

Competency evaluation also has advantages.

Find a job that matches your expectations and your competency allows to flourish in your professional career and develop a winning spirit to open up to new horizons.

What is competency evaluation?

Competency evaluation of each employee enables the HR to prepare the career development of its employees. It often helds annually and is carried out both in SMEs than in larger enterprises.

Competency evaluation is not simply the fact to judge the professional competency within a company, it is also:

* recognition of your performance,

* and the prospect of career development.

It also helps the manager to determine:

* the training plan,

* the remuneration of each employee.

What is this evaluation?

Competition is increasingly fierce today, the company that employs you, needs to know the competency of its employees in order to define its best strategies.

Its main objective will be to have an approach "win/win" towards its employees, namely:

* reward employee performance through promotion (ask for a promotion) or an raise (ask for a raise).

* services rendered to the customers of today and tomorrow will be better, the company can rebound on a free competitive market and thus stop perpetuating its competitiveness.

As the number of employees is high, the higher the competency evaluation is essential.

In order to know the capabilities of each, it will be done by each hierarchical level. This will help communicate the objectives of each employee.

What types of competency evaluation?

The company will be familiar with its workings, that is to say, all existing jobs within it in order to properly analyze the expected competency.

The competency evaluation of employees will be key to driving its human resources management policy, it will be an essential support to justify salary increases.

To do this, there are several evaluation methods, such as:

* The evaluation itself: it is often written. You have a questionnaire or grid typically built internally. It often results in a rating in the interview.

* Self-evaluation: it may accompany the actual evaluation. It is by means of a questionnaire or a grid filled by the assessee. This allows to position and to ask the right questions before the meeting.

* The 360° evaluation: the evaluation is made by the employee himself, then by collaborators. It is a form to complete with various questions that is distributed to the number of involved people. Sometimes, and depending on the held position, it can engage customers and also suppliers.

* The individual interview is a face to face with superiors which one addresses the failures and successes of the year and the objectives for the coming year.

The documents are usually given several days before the interview. It is possible at the meeting to discuss your professional development.

The interviews result in a co-signed summary document.

How are constructed interview supports?

Typically, interview support forms contain the following key elements:

* the main activities of position,

* the collaborator mission, his function,

* the type of competency and the expected level,

* the fixing results to achieve goals,

* the assessing of acquired level by competency type,

* the assessing of level to achieve objectives,

* the actions to be implemented to improve performance.

According to the addressed competency evaluation methodology, it is essential to prepare the evaluation interview.

Good to know: your interview may be useful in case of dismissal justifying incompetency, it is written proof that you can present to the labor court for hearing disputes.

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