Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Second Career

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Second Career

The second career concerns more generally teachers.

Persons performing a public career can apply to a second career.

What is a second career?

Second career is a form of mobility.

To boost a career, and if the opportunity arises, the agent can ask mobility within the own administration or to other public functions.

It may therefore be:

* A provision to allow an official to perform his service in another administration knowing that it is administratively attached to their trades.

* The detachment to be seconded to another administration without having to retake the access exam. He will retain his rights to advancement and retirement. He also will be entitled to salary increments provided for in his job of detachment without impact on his original situation. However, there are two categories of detachment:

- short term: 6 months, it is extended to one year for detachments abroad or in the territories.
- long term: up to 5 years with a possible renewal.
- at the end of detachment, the individual is reinstated in his original position and assigned to an employment corresponding to his grade.

* The mutation can change a public employer retaining his rank and seniority. However, the residence allowance or benefits system can be modified.

* Combinations of activities also encourages entrepreneurship.

* Availability: the official can access the private sector:

- he will be paid by the company and affiliated to social security schemes of the latter.
- in this case, it is important to think to prepare the position taken in the company and also the return to his post in the public service that is not necessarily the original one.

Who is affected by the second career?

All persons working in the public service are concerned with the second career. However, they are often teachers who are considering this hypothesis.

They prefer to change jobs, even accepting a financial loss rather than pursue a profession experiencing physically and psychologically, because they can not do their job in good conditions.

These people will be able to prepare a project of professional mobility knowing that their academy set up an information center "advice and coaching career".

The individual concerned will be received for individual interview to:

* make a point about his career and set up a review,

* explore opportunities for career development,

* be informed about assistive devices for training and competitions.

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