Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Career Evolution

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Career Evolution

Set a project is a key step in career evolution.

It is important to know how to manage his career to be ready for the accession of new responsibilities, to integrate into a new enterprise or preparing a change of direction.

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What is career evolution?

Career evolution is thinking about his professional development in the short, medium or long term then leading to a career plan.

To do this, a realistic professional project will be based on:

* your performance,

* your competency,

* your personality,

* your deep and authentic motivations.

In conclusion, it is several decisions that will prepare you to:

* occupational retraining,

* your competency evaluation which usually takes place every year with your supervisor,

* ask for a promotion or ask for a raise.

Professional evolution: how?

Your main goal in your professional development is:

* to maintain a professional and private life balance,

* to learn dealing with personal changes that must not affect and impinge on your professional life.

A career evolution can cause you to:

* change jobs,

* make an international career,

* or direct you to a management position.

Orientation change

If you want to make a career transition, changing industry and/or occupation, it will be possible to benefit from support to carry out your career plan. It can offer you:

* a career assessment or

* a skills assessment.

To confront your doubts, your concerns to more practical realities.


Professional development can also go through the training. During your performance review, you can ask your supervisor:

* skills training or

* a diploma course to perfect your knowledge and skills.

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