Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Expatriate Return

Monday, August 29, 2016

Expatriate Return

An international career requires reflection, so it is important to prepare it.

Expatriate return: professional reintegration

Lead a golden life abroad when you have an expatriate job will not last, because it is a temporary period.

Image result for Expatriate Return

Therefore, the professional reintegration is often resented, because the expatriate leaves a privileged lifestyle. He had great autonomy, he was recognized, he remained his company's ambassador.

However, the company has evolved during his expatriation:

* networks have changed, the services are reorganized,

* the flowchart is changing:  departures of employees and other are hired,

* who are the key people in the organization?

It is therefore strongly advised to prepare his return from abroad by cultivating it regularly, that is to say:

* maintain contacts with the company,

* opt for regular appointments at the company's headquarters,

* inform frequently strategic information and appointments to the heart of society.

Even if you are away from the direction, your work abroad must be visible, do not pass into oblivion.

Expatriate return: how to prepare it?

An expatriation period is on average 2 to 3 years, the limit is 5 years, not to take root in the host country.

Not to be on the 'button' on your return to enterprise, it is important to prepare it, because it is a delicate period of transition for you and your family.

So you have to find your place or position in line with your skills.

To do this :

* the return is prepared upon your departure, you must discuss this with your employer when preparing the expatriation contract. Ask to sign a reinstatement clause providing for a return to an equivalent post at headquarters or in one of the subsidiaries.

* a few months before your return from abroad, contact your company to know the opportunities that match you and the perspectives of evolution.

* do not hesitate to ask, pending an interesting job, a temporary assignment in line with your expertise and professional experience.

* if not, move closer to your professional network as you have taken care to maintain regularly even if you are away.

Often, colleagues often have a sense of indifference towards the expatriate employee who becomes an employee of many.

If no solution is found, if you are demotivated and suffering from a lack of recognition, some of you will want to break with their own country and prefer to be alienated outside their own country.

Expatriate return: learning to live in his country of origin

To avoid a cultural "shock" in your native country, a sense of misunderstanding and frustration, ask your company to follow an intercultural training program in your return.

This allows to rediscover, after some years of absence, his country in economic and political level.

Remember also to carry your various administrative procedures and all formalities for your return to your country in order not to be caught out against the administration (housing, children's education, taxation, etc.).

Climate rehabilitation will also have an important role to play.

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