Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Social Career

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Social Career

Social career is dependent on the public or semi-liberal sector, unlike the commercial career, the industry career, HR career, the artistic career or International career that are more focused on the private sector.

What is a social career?

The purpose of a social career is to help individuals, families overcome during their lives social, cultural or economic difficulties and sometimes facilitating their insertion and/or provide them with psychological help.

This is also help and support the elderly and young children.

How to make a career in social?

Many professions depend on the social career, they are usually sanctioned by a TUD in social careers which is divided into more options:
* social and socio-cultural events,

* welfare,

* special education,

* urban management,

* personal services.

You can complete the one or more years to evolve more rapidly to a management position.

What jobs?

The most frequently exercised jobs, aimed at both women and men, they are:

* social worker,

* consultant in social and family economy,

* special educator or of young children,

* educator monitor,

* family worker,

* project manager,

* delegate to the trusteeship,

* mediator,

* housekeeper,

* social urban development officer,

* inspector of health and social welfare, etc.

Which employers?

If you want a career in social, you will have as main employer:

* public employees (councils, ministry, hospitals), but also,

* parastatal employers as family allowance,

* and associations as private employers.

Professional development

Like any job in the public service, it must pass competitions corresponding to a definite position, jobs are divided into grade and step.

Salaries and career development are regulated for those belonging to the public service.

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