Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Industrial Career

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Industrial Career

Innovative, industrial careers offer good opportunities.

The industrial career makes a wide variety of many jobs divided into several sectors:

* logistics/transportation,

* chemistry/materials,

* agriculture/agronomy,

* production/mechanical,

* biotechnology.

The list is far to be exhaustive.

There are 4 essential poles to effectively run the business:

* design: processing of semi-finished or finished raw materials, as well as research and development,

* production: manufacturing, maintenance, quality and method,

* management: administration (HR, finance, accounting, legal, logistics),

* sale: commercial, marketing, communication.

The industrial business can be a small business or a more larger company, it will produce goods for sale to consumers.

To do this, the people working for this firm will have a great expertise.

The market is constantly changing, the company will continuously innovate to improve and make sales.

What are the career prospects in the industry?

The industry with many jobs needs:

* workers, employees and executives to run the company,

* produce, design, research and develop to increase competitiveness in order to sustain the company and its jobs.

The industrial career will therefore need multiple profiles with very different levels of study: CAP, Pro High School Diploma, Technician Certificate to High school Diploma + 5 and more for engineers and researchers. The way of learning is also popular with businesses.

Opportunities abound and offer good prospects and career development.

Successful career in industry

The missions are very different from each other and require, anyway, a lot of rigor for the company to be constantly at the forefront in order to clear the result.

To do so, a career in the industry often requires working with older and highly placed professionals in the hierarchy.

So we have to accept criticism, listen, watch and gain experience to become credible in the eyes of society and its superiors.

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