Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Economics Jobs

Monday, August 29, 2016

Economics Jobs

In a world based on the exchange of goods and services, the mastery of knowledge and economic tools is essential. If the numbers do not scare you and you have a good analytical mind, economics jobs are right for you. Especially as the opportunities are real, provided you have a High School Diploma + 5.

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The economy is the sinews of war, without it our society would not last long. That is why companies but also the state, have never had a greater need of experts to know and to decipher the movements of economy and finance in order to make needed strategic decisions. If the numbers do not scare you and you have a good analytical mind: the economics jobs are right for you. Especially as opportunities exist in many areas: accounting, commerce, public service, education...

Economics jobs: key positions in the company

Every company seeks to expand its business. This is not only to sell products or services but to maximize its profits. That is why it needs capable professionals to analyze its financial situation and make strategic decisions on positioning, investment, mergers and acquisitions, capital research... These positions are only accessible to high profiles like business school, accounting school or PhD in economics and management. For them, the opportunities exist directly within the enterprises if they are large, especially in audit and expertise firms for  auditor, actuary or financial analyst.

Learning and teaching economy

According to a survey there are students that admit having difficulty understanding economic news... But most of them say they are interested in the topic, especially among young people. So in high school, between Economic and Social section, Science and Technology Management section but also the options to discover the economy for seconds, the positions are competitions of teaching. In higher education, between the economy management university and all business schools, there are also interesting opportunities for experts who feel the urge to transmit their knowledge...

List of economics jobs

- Assess: actuary, financial analyst, statistician, external auditor, internal auditor, management controller, economic developer.

- Lead: responsible of commercial education, business engineer, director of investments.

- Transmit: teacher.

You can also visit the sections on jobs of accounting, management, finance, education and public service.

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