Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Enterprise Integration

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Enterprise Integration

To find your place in a group, you have to integrate!

To fulfill your potential in job, you must know the rituals and customs of the company that employs you.

How to succeed integration within enterprise?

The company will have the main task to clearly formalize the introduction of a new arrival to his co-workers, namely:

* definition of the held position,

* the lines of responsibility that will highlight his position in the organization of society.

The new employee, meanwhile, will take the initiative to:

* discover the history and the functioning of society,

* better know about the teams by going to the other => posture of openness and listening,

- discover individual behavior,
- and the reports between services.

So you have to make a place in a group that will be changed, because it must absorb a newcomer.

The new hired with the help of his superior will define his field of expertise and actions to avoid encroaching on the responsibility and the others function.

This will prevent: misunderstandings, tensions, conflicts, questions and hostilities.

Enterprise Integration: what is an integration seminar?

Many companies opt for an integration seminar at the entry of a new employee. This allows him to be more efficiently operational, because he will know more quickly:

* basic knowledge of his job,

* culture and company's operating rules.

The seminar organization

To do this the companies will organize integration seminars.

These can take place on: one day, several days or spread over the year for better monitoring.

The seminars are open often for all new recruits (executives and non-executives).

These can be organized at the company headquarters or in various parts of the country or abroad.

Its specific approach

The specific approach of integration seminar is to detail:

* the enterprise culture and its values,

* the enterprise strategies,

* the various jobs,

* the flowcharts.

Documentation is often distributed at these seminars (welcome booklet, annual report, company presentation).

Its goal

The objective of seminar is multiple, namely:

* to create maximum contact between participants,

* to meet the leaders of group,

* to accelerate the integration process

culminating in a collective and personal enrichment that will make a career within the company.


The benefits of these seminars allow:

* better working conditions,

* a better enterprise approach and understanding,

* to better understand his position taking and,

* to create a relational network between employees.

It is also possible to appeal the integration coach who turns out being an effective formula.

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