Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Studying in Australia

Monday, July 17, 2017

Studying in Australia

Does Australia tempt you? The largest island in the world makes more students dream. And because Australian degrees are a passport for employment internationally, the most important universities remain affordable, economic growth is strong, unemployment is very low and Melbourne and Sydney are among the five pleasant cities to live in the world.

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Sumptuous landscapes, virgin immensities, dazzling economic growth (10% per year), full employment, tolerance, multi-culturalism and casual lifestyle are the main ingredients of the "Australian dream". To the extent of this dream, Australia offers unique educational system in the world that ranks it among the top destinations for international students. 

All courses of study are open to students of all levels, from Bachelors to Masters, ML (Master of Law) and MBA (Master of Business Administration; Master of management).
The country is young, multicultural, tolerant, and student life, while being serious and intense, is still paradisiacal.

Study at university

There are 41 universities in Australia. All public, financed by the State except two, which are private. In Australia, educational system has a very great infrastructure, student services, selectivity and academic requirement.

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The cost of Australian universities, with equal prestige, is particularly competitive with other Anglo-Saxon countries. For example, master programs in international commerce, law, science or international relations at prestigious Australian universities ranked internationally will cost you less than comparable US masters and even specialized masters in great  schools of other countries. Sublime campuses, international address book and possibility to work during and after his studies as a bonus!

Australia has adopted the classic Anglo-Saxon system: bachelor (3 years), master (1 to 2 years), doctorate (3 to 5 years). The academic year in Australia follows the Southern Hemisphere calendar and offers two independent returns, one in February and the other in July. It consists of 2 semesters of 14 weeks each, from February to June for the first and from July to November for the second. The last week of each semester is the least liked of students because it is traditionally the week dedicated to exams...

Most programs of study are offered at the two annual Australian returns. Some universities, such as Bond University on the Gold Coast (1st private university in Australia), offer three courses a year: January, May and September, and all accelerated intensive degrees: 2 years for bachelors and 1 year for specialized masters.

It is advisable to present your application at least 6 months before the desired date of return and, again, to have you helped by a specialized organization, such as some Australian university agency. Universities do not organize competitions, they recruit on file and possibly interviews for MBA programs.

Apart from good academic results, you will have to prove your level in English. The English scores to be achieved differ according to the programs, the universities and the cycle of studies (bachelor or master). The tests accepted to prove your level are IELTS, TOEFL and PTE (Pearson Test of English). Cambridge Advanced (CAE) is also accepted.

Learn a job

Parallel to university degrees, it is also possible to study short courses in Australia. Objective: learning a job. These professional studies may be undertaken in the public technical and professional schools or in private technical and professional schools.

These establishments offer specialized programs in many fields (design, management, aviation...) and prepare the student for a professional life through training that emphasizes practice. The course takes place over a period between 6 months and 2 years.
Attention: these diplomas are valid in Australia but are not recognized internationally. The contents of these programs are comparable to high school level to technician diploma.

The Australian student visa

The Australian student visa is issued for the duration of your studies plus one month. To obtain a visa, you must obtain a COE (Confirmation Of Enrollment) number from the chosen school, which will confirm the registration. It allows you to work 40 hours a fortnight during the academic year, and full time during the holidays. In 2011, this visa has undergone a major overhaul to the benefit of international students.

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For example, an international student who has graduated from Australia in a two-year program can now convert his student visa into a full-time work visa for a minimum of 2 years renewable, being in an area in demand! In short, this means that once you graduate from Australia, you can enter professional life in Australia in a position of responsibility.

Compulsory health insurance

International students must subscribe to the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), the "Medicare" insurance. Equipped with your "Medicare" card, you will also benefit from free care in the clinics installed on the campuses. Only dental care and optometry are not included.

Settling in and enjoying

Australia has the merit of being one of the most advantageous countries of the great Anglo-Saxon countries in terms of the cost of living. The average budget is AUD 17,800 for the year. This budget covers the costs of accommodation, meals, transportation, outings and all your living expenses.

Reconcile studies and student jobs

With 20 hours of bachelor's and 12-hour master's programs, Australian higher education is designed to allow students to work in parallel with their studies. Student jobs currently paid at an average of AUD 25 per hour allow you to finance your daily expenses.

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