Many distance learning centers are equipped with e-learning platforms that allow the learner to follow his training regardless of where he is located (work, home) live or deferred.
Principle of e-learning platform
The e-learning platform allows effective distance study. It is a platform of learning with communication tools (synchronous and/or asynchronous). It is used by a group of learners and distance instructor:
* In this area of digital work, one can find courses in writing, sometimes on video, exercises, tests, multiple choice questions and other educational supplements such as photos, diagrams, case studies.
* It is generally distance tutor who chooses educational materials. The learner therefore follows a path determined by the teacher:
- he consults online and downloads educational content;
- he performs exercises and passes homework to be corrected via the platform.
* The instructor, in turn, communicates individually or in groups. He can also create discussion topics.
* The e-learning platform devices also enable collaborative work through a network of auditors available on any website.
* Many services are available to students, such as the consultation notes, schedule, courses, conferences, administrative documents, bibliography. Students also have the opportunity to intervene via chat, online forum or videoconferencing training.
In summary, the e-learning platform is a truly interactive and personalized educational tool that helps disseminate information, communicate and distance work and at his own pace.
Benefits of e-learning platforms
The e-learning platform offers many rich and varied benefits that can overcome geographical constraints, namely:
* educational effectiveness;
* implementation speed;
* ability to access a large number of individuals in different languages and in different countries.
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