Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Freelance

Thursday, July 27, 2017


The term freelance is often used to refer to an independent worker.

Self-employment involves many professions, including freelance and self-employment.

Resultado de imagem para freelance

Freelancer: an independent intellectual worker

The freelancer is a person who sells his services to a company or an individual.
Intellectual services in many fields

Most often, the freelance performs intellectual services. There are freelancers in the following sectors:

* computer,

* communication,

* business consultancy,

* coaching,

* training,

* graphics, etc.

Being your own boss

The freelancer prospects his clientele:

* he negotiates with it a mission of which he assumes the realization,

* he sells his gray matter and his know-how.

The freelancer performs his mission at his home, in an affected premises or at his client. he uses his own equipment or that of the customer, according to the conditions defined beforehand.

The freelancer must choose his social status

Being a freelancer is not a social status. People who want to set up freelance jobs must choose a social status, that is, a framework that allows them to carry out their missions legally.

The choice of status depends on the social and tax regime of the freelance.

Freelance: different types of status

Freelancers have the choice of settling in as:

* liberal profession, that is to say, in the form of a sole proprietorship,

* auto entrepreneur,

* individual limited liability entrepreneur,

* or at the head of a one-man limited liability company.

Several freelancers

Liberal professionals have the opportunity to partner with other liberal professionals in the same business. This can be done within a:

* liberal civil society,

* professional civil society,

* civil society of means,

* a private limited liability company.

Freelance worker is non-salaried

As a non-employee, the freelancer is free to accept or not a job. He can not be imposed:

* time constraints,

* a legal working time,

* a hierarchical power.

He must have a number of Identification System of Institutions Directory in order to be able to issue invoices:

* this identifier allows him to be recognized by the tax and social services,

* It is issued to him during installation.

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