Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: E-learning today: recognition or progression?

Monday, July 17, 2017

E-learning today: recognition or progression?

Online training comes from a distance... not very well considered a few years ago (or even not considered at all) is now known. Is it simply a real recognition or a simple progression? Is there a long way to go before we see e-learning as an approved learning process? What is certain is that the practice is democratic and it is now possible to find happiness with all the online available training.

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Recognition of e-learning

As we see during the Open Days, the curious and future learners do not come to discover online education, but rather courses, teachers and training itself. Of course, technical questions have arisen, which is quite normal. But the background, e-learning itself has not been questioned. This is a proof that the collective consciousness gently appropriates this method, which has become almost "natural" with the use of technologies today.

Recognition is synonymous with certification. Recognition by a rectorate? By the Directorate of Enterprises, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labor and Employment? Or, better still, by the State.

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Progress in online education

Usages are on the rise, e-learning is growing strongly. Whether with the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), online courses or tutorials and ebooks, there are a number of resources available for students wishing to explore a subject or follow an intensive year with courses and personalized follow-up.

The advantages of e-learning have become contemporary: mobility, nomadism or, on the contrary, the inability to leave a place make e-learning a freedom course that does not have a classroom. Stop and return? Study late at night or early in the morning? Redo a tutorial or browse the content library? Online courses offer flexibility suited to technological uses. Short and personalized, long and diploma programs: the programs allow the students to learn at their own pace and to be accompanied at each stage, for the final consecration: a job!

At the complex and slow beginning, with an abandonment by learners, online education is now reliable, connected, modular and addressed to all. We can see every day advances and e-learning become a practice that everyone can use. Technology is a formidable vector that gives a powerful boost to education!

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