Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: 5 Analyzed Job Interview Questions

Sunday, July 16, 2017

5 Analyzed Job Interview Questions

In a job interview, there are questions that are easier to answer than others. Here is an overview of the difficult questions and an idea of ​​the answers to them.

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What do you like about our company?

This question alone justifies the preparation of the interview.

In the company you want to integrate, you must have discovered some particularly motivating and engaging points. This may be:

* his fame;

* the values ​​to which it subscribes;

* the opportunities it offers its employees, etc.

Try to find an element in your journey that explains your attachment to these points.

What are your weaknesses?

Even if you do not feel like it, you will have to answer the question. Be honest but know how to put the forms:

* For example, avoid saying bluntly that you are dizzy and often late.

* Think about your last evaluation interview and the things your supervisor criticized.

* Advertise that you are taking care of yourself to improve your weaknesses.

Example: did your superior find you to disperse? Explain to the recruiter that you tend to do several things at once but that you impose a rigorous schedule to carry out one task after another.

How do you position your family life in relation to your professional life?

Find a middle ground for your answer:

* If you say placing your family life in the forefront, the recruiter will know that he will not be able to count on you for overtime or late meetings. He may therefore dismiss your application.

* If you say placing your professional life in the foreground, you will pass for an ambitious and unsympathetic person.

Prefer to explain that you prioritize your preference, whether professional or private.

If you are asked for an example, take the example of the sick child:

* Your child has a cold, you entrust him to a grandmother or babysitter for the day. If he has a 40 °C fever, you do not go to work and you take him to the emergency room.

* Since your child is more likely to have a cold than 40 °C fever, this behavior will reassure the recruiter about your future attendance at work while showing him that you are attaching to important values ​​such as family.

Where do you see yourself in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years?

To answer this question, you must have inquired about the evolution possibilities proposed by the company:

* After 2 years, can employees expect a change, a promotion?

* Give your answer, remaining optimistic about your future career!

Why do you leave your old job?

The answer to this question is simple: you want to evolve professionally. Unless the recruiter asks you, do not stretch too much on the subject:

* Avoid mentioning any disagreements you may have with your old company.

* On the other hand, you can talk about the opportunities that would offer you a new position: more responsibilities, motivating missions, future prospects, etc.

To prepare you for the job interview, here are other contents:

* A list of recurring questions on our page regarding hiring interview questions.

* A list of tips to prepare for the job interview.

* Finally, our trick to successfully talk about a former layoff in job interview.

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