Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Res One Enterprise for Hybrid Work Environments

Monday, July 17, 2017

Res One Enterprise for Hybrid Work Environments

Specialist in automation and security solutions for working environments Res Software has launched the V10 of its Res One Enterprise offering. It also supports fixed desktops, both virtual and cloud.

Resultado de imagem para res one enterprise

Not so long ago, when one spoke of work stations parks, one had at the head rows of fixed or mobile stations. This is no longer the case today, far from it, the emergence of DaaS (desktop as a service) as well as desktop virtualization technologies carried out in particular by Citrix and VMware, have indeed changed it. In this context, automation solutions for the management and security rules of computers are obliged to adapt, as is the case for those of Res Software which has just launched the V10 of its offer Res One Enterprise. "We redesigned the solution with a combination of modules, a platform that runs on both Windows 10-based physical PC environments and virtualized Citrix or VMware desktops, and even runs in the AWS cloud", said Peter Goldbrunner, Area VP Central & Southern Europe of Res Software.

One Enterprise is built around several modules in the security management area, user environment, IT resources, governance and identity. New help desk diagnostics tools are emerging as well as performance reporting in terms of user experience and the ability to share IAM data (identity and access management) with reporting and BI tools. But that is not all, as it is also possible to update the user profiles registered in business applications like SAP directly in the Res One Enterprise interface.

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