If everyone can get into this type of training, it is nevertheless necessary to be aware that they are not classical courses and that therefore certain criteria are essential for success.
First quality required, motivation. It is estimated that 80% of people who attend online training drop out along the way. To get to the end, you have to hold on, and be rigorous and disciplined. This requires regular and serious work.
Training also presupposes a timetable and a program, so it is necessary to set ambitious short-term and medium-term objectives without being unfeasible.
How to choose your distance training?
There are many online training organizations. Some provide state-recognized training, while others have diplomas issued by the federation for education and diploma. Moreover, the pedagogical follow-up is running through new technologies and e-learning. It is therefore very important to be well informed to choose the school that will suit you best.
What are the benefits of online training?
E-learning has many advantages:
* It allows a great flexibility of the organization. Everyone can study where he wants and adapt teaching to his private and professional life.
* It reduces geographical barriers. Many students choose online training so that they can follow a course that is not available near their home.
* It costs less than a conventional training. Many costs disappear thanks to this method (accommodation, transport...).
* It allows to have the same level as anyone. On a CV, a diploma obtained in face-to-face or at a distance is the same, no discrimination can take place.
* It is appreciated by companies. Employees who opt for these courses can renew and capitalize skills. They become more autonomous, become familiar with new technologies.
The company saves time and money since it does not have to hire a trainer or make available a room.
Of course, there are also disadvantages to follow such training. It demands sacrifices in the organization, time management devoted to training. Students are alone, which can hinder the motivation of some.
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