Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Learning English

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Learning English

The English language has become universal, it allows us to communicate internationally. In addition, it is an official language in about 75 countries and spoken by 750 million people worldwide.
It is also the language used in the information and research: newspapers, books, diplomacy, business but also on the Internet. Mail and manuals are often in English.
Your career depends on your proficiency in English. Employers and recruiters require nowadays, a good level of English or technical skills. Now, the professional world is more and more international trade, so English.
Learning English is also essential to evolve in his work, to travel and also make new friends.

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There are different methods to learn English, they depend on your language level.
Individual courses
=> Specific courses of language, they can progress at your own pace and to better understand the fundamentals of language as, grammar, vocabulary, conversation. They are suitable for a student with respect to the level and profile. It is therefore possible to further a particular point, according to the shortcomings and/or difficulties encountered by the individual.
=> Online language courses, called "e-learning": flexible formula by which you work at your own pace in the office or at your home.
=> Language courses by phone, very useful to improve the level of conversation.
=> Language courses by correspondence, more traditional method but also has advantages.
=> Tutoring in English, can be considered to prepare various examinations.
Group lessons
Group lessons are generally intensive courses of language in small groups to work in optimal conditions.

Courses in English speaking countries

Learning a language abroad is a great way to learn English. because you will be completely immersed in the culture of country. Besides England and the United States, also consider Ireland, Jersey or Guernsey, for those who want to stay in Europe, or Australia, New Zealand or Canada, for those who want to travel far!

How to succeed in learning English?

The learning methods to learn English are many and varied. Most important for you is to find one that best fits your goals and learning style you want.
However, different formulas mentioned, above, will help you to:
* choose the appropriate vocabulary;
* use the correct grammatical form and good sentence structure;
* pronounce the right way by putting the accent, rhythm and intonation when to and where to.

The various teaching materials

Free language courses are also available on specialized sites like "" which provides the user an English lesson a week, thematic sheets, interactive tests, exercises, courses according to your level, etc.
You can also get all kinds of books or products to an English bookshop. It can also organizes dedication evenings where you can meet English-speaking writers. Language software to work your English or to prepare various examinations are an essential tool to complement other media named above.

Tips to learn English more easily

However, and in addition, here are some tips to learn English more easily, namely:
* Listen but especially express yourself! To do this, you should use different communication strategies, reformulate your sentences and use various expressions.
* Use every opportunity to express yourself (in the evening when a stranger is lost, etc.).
* Watch movies in English, read English books.
* Listen to the sound of your voice by saving it, it is also very beneficial.
* And above all, meet other people who speak English.

Who to contact to learn English ?

Many language training organizations are available to define, with you, your educational program.
For custom-made, you can also avail a teacher at home that you can pay in services voucher (or Chèque emploi service universel), which will allow you to obtain certain tax advantages.

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