Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Online Class Financing

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Online Class Financing

Financing for online class vary from simple to double or more. It is different than a face training.

Image result for distance education financing

Financing differences from classical training

The cost of financing online class is less important than that of a conventional training. Indeed, the cost is necessarily reduced to the distance learning center:

* no host local;

* reduced number of teachers;

* fewer printouts, etc.

Furthermore, for a company or even an individual, indirect training costs are lower for online class than conventional formations:

* no need to transport;

* no need to rent accommodation;

* no replacement salary;

* reduced loss of time.

Choice of online class financing

When choosing the financing of distance learning, so do not rush to the lowest price. The ideal is to check what is in the price.

Financing for online class include:

* certain administrative costs;

* the price of media: books, CD-Rom... (especially if it comes to training by correspondence);

* the cost of course: is that a total cost, the price per year or teaching unit?;

* registration for different exams.

Generally, the prices listed are for individuals. If financing of the training is done through a company, the cost will be higher, sometimes up to 30% more expensive.

How to finance online class?

There are different possibilities to take over fully or partially the cost of your online class, namely:

* Training outside working time: This device allows an employee who has at least two years of seniority, of which one year in his company to obtain all or part his training taking place outside working hours.

* The individual training leave: For employees in fixed-term and permanent contracts, temporary, job seekers. It can track training of their choice under certain conditions.

* The individual right to training: It allows private employees, temporary, and in agreement with their employer to cover the costs of training under certain conditions. 

* The annual training plan: many companies are planning their annual training, so it is possible to support your training.

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