Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Online Diploma Courses

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Online Diploma Courses

Among the many offers, some formations that are online diploma courses and some not. So be careful.

Resultado de imagem para Online Diploma Courses

Here is how to differentiate, if it is an online diploma course:

* the referred diploma must be clearly stated;

* modalities for the review and registration dates must be specified;

* you have to move to take the exams.

Caution: this will not be a diploma of online class, if remote training facility speaks to deliver you:

* certificate of training, the dates and hours

* a statement of the end of training indicating skills assessment.

Thanks to the graduate distance learning, you can target different degrees depending on your ambition and your previous training:

* high school diploma: open to all, it is a pass to other formations

* high school diploma +2: higher technician diploma

* high school diploma +3 and more: university degree (Bachelor, Master)

* other degree programs: CAP, TOEIC or TOEFL (English degree), DILF or DELF (French diplomas for non-francophone), ZD (German), ...

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