Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Online Schools

Monday, July 17, 2017

Online Schools

Online Schools Courses is a distance diploma training among online technician certificate, online university course, online college classes, online degrees and other formations.

For whom is distance learning of High School?

You have decided to get back to school and follow a distance learning for a high school diploma:

* Set out the reasons why you want to follow distance training of high school. There may be three different reasons to pass the distance high school diploma:

- a resumption of higher education, for which high school is mandatory;
- high school level required for employment;
- a personal challenge.

* You will choose the type of high school you want to go according to your needs and your abilities: general (literary, scientific, economic), technology, professional (accounting, catering,...).

* There are no age restrictions or special conditions. The limit is so you! You have to be motivated, because the success rate is only 30% to distance against about 85% in classical training.

* There are two profiles of candidates for distance education of high school, under 16 and over 16 years:

- Under 16 years education is compulsory, but it is possible to have to follow his distance school for the following reasons:
- for top athletes;
- sick children;
- students who live abroad or whose parents are traveling;
- to study a rare language;

Note: for a young person under 16 years who is to follow distance education of high school,  must make a statement to the town hall and the school inspectorate.

* Over 16 years, there is no constraint. There are even two alternatives in distance education of high school.

Note: registration to distance training of high school is not exam registration, you must make the registration process with the examinations service of your academy rectory by folder or on Internet.

Equivalent of distance education of high school

If you need to follow distance training of high school in order to access higher education, you can also choose to pass an equivalent like a diploma of university degree and administrative examinations of level B. It is an alternative to distance training of high school since it gives the same rights as the latter.

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