Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Ethical Hacker

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ethical Hacker

The ethical hacker thinks and acts as a web hacker to protect the company that employs him from cybercrime. His mission: to test the vulnerability of its information system. A very popular position.

Resultado de imagem para Ethical Hacker

The ethical hacker is a "nice" hacker, an offensive computer security specialist for the protection of companies computer systems. His role: attacking computer security systems to test their vulnerability. His activity allows companies to detect the flaws in their system to enable them to better protect themselves from possible attacks of cybercriminals.

A genius of the Web

To succeed in his mission, he must put himself in the shoes of pirates, think like them to better block them. Mandated by his client, he then tries intrusion tests by circumventing the security rules to see if the information system (computers, connected cars, supermarket cash registers, hydroelectric power stations...) set up by the company, resists or not to a computer attack.

Skills required

- Computer security enthusiast

- Regulatory knowledge

- Creativity

Curriculum / training

Some higher education or engineering school formations train the hacking techniques.


The Internet is a field favorable to the expansion of all kinds of offenses. Companies need this professional to protect their computer security system, of the public or private sector, from cybercrime. All sectors are concerned: IT, administration, retail, automotive...

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