Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems Installer Maintainer

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems Installer Maintainer

The installer maintainer of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems installs and maintains solar and photovoltaic panels. Under the responsibility of the manager or the affair responsible, he carries out studies prior to the realization of the site and ensures the realizations until the phases of closing and after-sale, then maintenance.

Resultado de imagem para Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems Installer Maintainer

He does not only control the specific areas to solar systems, but also the technical environment in which these systems are used in terms of energy (gas, fuel oil, wood and electricity) and technical combinations (heating, etc.). Thus, he can exercise a global expertise and intervene on all the installation points.

Ensuring the safety of property and persons

These installations involve electricity and present risks (fire, electrocution, etc.). The istaller maintainer must take into account all applicable regulations concerning the safety of goods and persons. He must also be able to explain the functioning to the client and answer his questions.

Skills required

- Good physical condition
- Rigor
- Analytical mind

Curriculum / training

In order to practice this profession, you must hold the Certificate of Professional Qualification "Installer maintainer in solar thermal and photovoltaic systems".

Professional evolution

Over the years, the installer maintainer can become a consulting technician and lead a team.

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