Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Programmer Analyst

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Programmer Analyst

The programmer analyst is a computer specialist who realizes software based on a specification. He uses computer languages ​​and writes and designs code lines.

The daily of programmer analyst

Resultado de imagem para Programmer Analyst job

Also called "developer", the programmer analyst develops and improves the systems and applications used in companies under the direction of a project manager. He can also adapt standard computer programs. To do this, he uses computer languages ​​and code lines. He can possibly frame several programs at once.


Above all, the developer analyzes the needs of users, their obligations and constraints in order to best meet the demand. He decrypts the project specifications if there is one or participates in its drafting. This is a crucial step as he must respond to the customer needs while designing a computer system that will accompany it in the evolution of his activities. Moreover, the programmer analyst is increasingly working on the modification of existing software in order to devote himself more particularly to analysis.


Once the project is defined to its smallest details, place its technical design! It is at this point that the programmer must make use of his command of computer languages ​​since he translates the request into code lines so that the computer understands. Before delivering the product, the IT specialist performs tests and drafts the installation instructions and user guides. A posteriori, he takes care of the maintenance of the software and ensures the technical assistance.

Skills needed for this job

- Proficiency in computer science, including knowledge of the different programming languages
- Know how to work as a team
- A great sense of listening
- Good adaptation capacity
- Rigor and precision
- Fluency in English

What are the opportunities?

Most programmers analysts find good opportunities in Digital Service Enterprises and software publishers. They are then sent for short-term missions in companies. The IT departments of large companies across all sectors, are also recruiting but to a lesser extent. One of the advantages to work in this sector: versatility, the great strength that any training can bring you, is knowledge in areas you would not have been of yourself such as system administration. This general knowledge is a major advantage in small structures because it allows us to be a force for proposals in our specialist field, but also in other fields when the need arises.

Professional evolution

The most logical evolution of the programmer analyst is that of IT project manager. However, with additional training, he can also become a multimedia developer.

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