Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Conflict at Work

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Conflict at Work

A dynamic company generates conflicts and this is normal!

A stressful working period and relationships at work deteriorate, many misunderstandings persist and result in conflicts.

Why come into conflict at work?

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In the business world, employees working there have different interests and goals. 

However, they are called upon to work together and often as a team so that the company remains competitive in a highly competitive market.

The conflict stems from misunderstandings. It is usually a disagreement between two or even several people, which do not take into account everyone's ideas.

So there will be a hostile intention towards the other. A disagreement will break out, it will result in:

* a degradation of relations,

* the atmosphere,

* a loss of motivation and,

* a decline in productivity.

The conflict will generate anger, frustration, resentment and sometimes sadness.

The negative attitudes of the conflict are: silence, manipulation and complaints.

What types of workplace conflict?

There may be several sources of conflict:

* the conflict of persons,

* the conflict of power zone definition,

* conflict of values,

* strategies that are not necessarily explained to employees but managers, can lead to conflicts,

* the necessary work resources are not available to carry out the various tasks,

* the organization is not clearly defined.

Conflict at work: who manages the conflict?

In a company, it is the manager who must lead a team that manages the conflict, as it is part of his mission. The operation is often delicate.

The manager will therefore be confronted with different situations, such as the conflict between:

* two people,

* his team and another,

* the team and the scapegoat,

* the team and the hierarchy (himself): who questions his function as a manager.

How to manage a conflict in a company?

It is preferable to be able to anticipate the conflict in order to avoid having to deal with it, because it is often a situation of disagreement that has continued for some time.

The manager will then be observing and listening to defuse the conflict. To do this, he will avoid making the ostrich policy and will analyze the situation calmly.

In order to properly manage the conflict, the manager must:

* speak with the employees concerned taking into account the personality of each one, he must remain objective,

* gather the information necessary to manage the situation by knowing the arguments of each of the parties,

* identify and clarify the real problems.

If it is a conflict between his team and himself that jeopardizes his function, it would be wise for him to be supported by his superior.

The manager can also call on an outside person, such as a coach who can act as a mediator.

The manager will intervene as arbitrator and indicate the rules of life and respect in a professional setting.

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