Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Caregiver

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Among the health personnel, the caregiver is probably the closest to the hospitalized. To care for his patients, he ensures their hygiene and comfort. Under the responsibility of the nurse, he contributes to the care of the patients.

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On a daily basis, he helps patients to dress and in their toilet. Some patients must remain fasting before an operation, others follow a special diet... The caregiver checks the instructions before preparing the food trolleys.

The closest to the patient

He accompanies on their journeys, deprived persons of autonomy. He helps them sit down, feed themselves, get out of bed. His work extends to some common maintenance tasks such as cleaning and storing rooms, changing bedding and linen.

Limited care

Unlike a nurse, the caregiver can not give medication or medical attention. Nuances sometimes subtle. He is not intended to install an infusion or to take the tension of a patient, but can change bandage, take care of temperature measurement or check the weight curve.

Skills required

- Physical and nervous resistance
- Patience and tact
- Adaptability

Curriculum / training

To become a caregiver, you must hold the state health care aide diploma. There is a competition for entry to training, organized in schools approved by the Ministry of Health.

On the program: anatomy, physiology and mathematics.

Employment / Outlets

It is a largely female-dominated activity. They are found in old people's homes, in the homes of elderly people deprived of autonomy and especially in all hospital departments.

As with other health workers, high availability is required. To ensure the care, by rotation, certain nights, weekends and holidays included, is part of their constraints.

The profession of caregiver is doing well: thousands positions are offered each year, in particular for seniors.

Professional evolution

A bridge is possible to obtain the state diploma of childcare auxiliary.

After some years of practice in the hospital or medico-social sector, the caregiver can go to the Nursing Institute selection tests in order to prepare for the State Diploma of nursing.

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