Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: School Teacher

Friday, February 10, 2017

School Teacher

School teacher in kindergarten and primary, has the heavy burden to educate children from 2 to 10 years. A true vocation.

The daily missions of the school teacher

Resultado de imagem para School Teacher

In kindergarten, the mission of the school teacher is to prepare children for entry into primary school. Enlightenment activities, group life learning, reading and numeracy awareness occupy most of the school time. It plays an essential role in the emotional and intellectual development of students. And it is mainly through various activities that reinforces the learning of language, socialization, cultural and physical development of children.

Versatile, patient, educator

In primary school, teachers must be very versatile because they teach no less than seven subjects, taught to children of 6 to 10 years old, often agitated or even turbulent: reading, writing, math, history-geography, living language, sport...

The weekly service of schools teacher is 26 hours of instruction in front of the students, plus one hour of consultation in pedagogical team.

Apart from his time at school, he must also correct the course-and-work books, prepare future lessons and receive the parents.

Skills required to exercise this position

- Good physical and nervous resistance
- Pedagogical meaning
- Rigor and Method
- Creativity, artistic sense

The positions and functions of school teachers

School teachers are recruited in public and private schools as well as in parallel educational structures.

Professional evolution

With experience, the schools teacher can be destined to the training and the supervision of other teachers. He can also go to specialized education with further training, or alternatively to the function of guidance counselor or school psychologist.

So depending on the country, he may at last, become a school director after some time of experience as a professor and then enter the examination contest after some years of service.

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