Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Surgeon-Dentist

Saturday, February 18, 2017


The surgeon-dentist treats diseases of the mouth, teeth and jaws.

The daily duties of the surgeon-dentist

Resultado de imagem para Surgeon-Dentist

The surgeon-dentist is not limited to the care of the teeth. He performs radiology and performs diagnoses before treating patients' teeth. As a surgeon, he is primarily responsible for operating the patients: he can extract teeth, perform gum grafts or implant pivots in the bones of the jaw. He watches over the aesthetics of the smile.

Advice and prevention

Like any medical specialist, the surgeon-dentist advises and warns patients. He intervenes in oral hygiene, conducts monitoring visits and performs scaling to reduce the risk of dental problems.

Permanent technological developments

Surgeon-dentists have long time been considered the enemies of children. Due to technological advances, new materials and increasingly computerized and sophisticated radiology equipment, dental care is no longer a problem. Everything has been designed to alleviate or even eliminate pain during interventions. This specialist is keeping up to date with the latest developments and does not hesitate to equip his cabinet with state-of-the-art equipment.

Skills required to become a surgeon-dentist

- Excellent knowledge of dental terminology

- Mastery of dental techniques and practices

- Ability, precision

- Adaptation

- Good physical resistance

The training to be carried out in order to practice this profession

Six years of study and obtaining a Diploma of Doctor in Surgery-Dentistry are required to practice this profession. The training begins with the first common year for health studies. The transition to the second year is conditioned by the success of a competition at the end of the year. Many candidates present each year and places are limited which requires serious and effective preparation.

Opportunities for the job

Surgeon-dentists perform on a liberal basis. They may also be employed in hospitals, health care establishments. Enrollment in the National Order of Surgeon-Dentists is mandatory in order to work.

The upcoming retirements will offer many opportunities for young surgery-dentistry graduates.

Professional evolution

Surgeon-dentists can move from salaried status to liberal status by resuming or establishing a firm. They can also specialize through orthodontic training to practice orthodontics or become a teacher in dental schools.

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