Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Temporary Work Agreement

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Temporary Work Agreement

Temporary employment is governed by the collective agreement of temporary work, which defines temporary employment contracts, assignments and duration, mandatory information, penal sanctions and termination of the employment contract.

What about the law of temporary workers?

Resultado de imagem para Temporary Work

Temporary employees benefit from the rights of temporary workers, which may be individual or collective. As a result, they have the right to temporary training which gives them access to vocational training, subject to fulfilling the conditions laid down and established by the temporary employment agreements. Like other employees, the temporary worker receives maternity/paternity leave on an interim basis. In the event of a work stoppage, the temporary employee is compensated and receives daily allowances according to the conditions of entitlement, which vary according to the duration of the work stoppage and its situation.

Daily and personal life

When you are acting, it is always difficult to get a bank loan whether real estate, personal or consumer. The social action fund for temporary work accompanies temporary employees in their professional and personal life, that is to say that in order to access an interim loan, it proposes an interim mutual to be better reimbursed with health fees. It is possible to have aids to rent the main residence.

What about unemployment?

The temporary worker, like any other employee, receives unemployment benefits. However, to be able to obtain them, he must meet certain conditions.

Temporary work abroad

You wish to carry out an experience on interim abroad to enrich your professional and personal experiences. To do so, it is mandatory to enroll in a temporary agency in your country. The temporary employment agency shall assign the temporary worker abroad, provided that the host country allows temporary work activity and subject to compliance with any national conditions for the exercise of temporary work.

Interim agency

All those wishing to become temporary workers and looking for new challenges can apply to a temporary work agency to obtain an interim contract. In general, temporary employment agencies are not too diverse, but more often specialized in a specific sector of activity.

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