Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: How to fight boredom at work

Friday, March 10, 2017

How to fight boredom at work

Boredom at work, also referred to as "bore-out" anglicism, can be defined as a syndrome of burnout through boredom, physical and mental exhaustion due to insufficient professional solicitation.

The consequences of bore-out can be significant on your physical, psychical health and your job: loss of self-esteem, loss of self-confidence, fatigue, stress, musculoskeletal disorders, relational difficulties, risk of depression...

Resultado de imagem para boredom at work

Very often, victims do not react, let the situation escalate, adopting passive-aggressive rather than constructive behavior. Boredom is difficult to live, is shameful. The danger is real to you, your team and your company.

So here are some tips to prevent and fight boredom at work.

1 - Identify the causes of your boredom at work

There are two causes of boredom at work: tasks are boring for you or you do not have enough work to occupy your days. Begin by identifying the causes that concern you:

Take a step back on your professional situation

Take stock:

* Does the position you hold correspond to your skills and aspirations? Have you chosen the wrong job?

* Did you get to the end of this job? Is this a sign of a need to reconvert?

* Pay attention to the snowball effect, if you are experiencing a difficult and challenging time in your personal life, it may affect your perception of your work. Take time to resolve your personal difficulties before considering a change in your work. You may be wrong.

Your boredom comes from the tasks entrusted to you

* You are overqualified for the tasks you have to perform.

* Your job makes no sense.

* Your work is routine and disinterested.

* Your job bores you.

* Nothing goes in your life.

Your boredom comes from a lack of work

* The company has a drop order and can not provide you with enough work.

* You are too many in the same position, there is not enough work for all.

* You have reached the end of a project.

* The company is in the process of reorganization.

* A new director has just arrived, there is a period of floating.

* You are in the closet.

2 - React to boring tasks

React before boredom sets in and the situation gets worse. Find enthusiasm and break the routine, boredom also comes from the habit. It is sometimes enough to change a way of doing things:

* Unwind, relax in your personal life, indulge yourself: sport, recreation, association, friends, family.

* Find derivatives: pause on the internet, jokes with your colleagues. Laughter is saving.

* Document yourself, research the internet on the subject of your work, the projects in which you participate. You will thus give meaning to your activity.

* In most activities, there are annoying tasks: start with these, others will seem much more interesting and you will return home in a good mood.

Tip: change the way to do things each day.

3 - React to a lack of work

Report a situation of harassment

You have been deprived of work or you do not have enough work because you have been put to the closet, denounce this situation, it is a case of harassment based on boredom:

* Meet with your supervisors, human resources department, occupational medicine...

* Protect yourself: do not write down anything that disturbs you, keep the evidence of harassment (e-mails, non-meetings, etc.) if you decide to file a complaint. Find allies who will support you every day, take time to relax out of work.

Take your patience and invest in your company

Faced with a decline in seasonal activity of the company or your service or in a period of change:

* Take advantage of it to do what you left behind, organize your position, take advantage of it to set up small changes in your work organization, store, clean, repair, innovate...

* Prepare to resume work: files, equipment, tools... all that can be done in advance.

* Give a helping hand to colleagues who still have work in their service.

Important: Be careful, evaluate the situation well before alerting your colleagues about your boredom, this can play to your disadvantage. Times are hard. Speak only if you have confidence and you are not competing.

* Train yourself.

* Take leave, your employer will be grateful. It is beneficial for everyone to take leave during a period of sub-activity.

Tip: If the situation is difficult, consult with occupational medicine or your doctor.

4 - Get your employer to react to boredom at work

Talk with your supervisor about your lack of work or your boring tasks, if you do not, the situation will get bogged down, no one will know that boredom has hit you. Prepare your interview well, show yourself motivated by your company.

You might find a solution to your situation:

* Enrich your position, entrust you with new tasks, entrust you with a new project.

* Apply to an internal position.

* Consider transversal functions to which you can claim: referent in health and safety at work, referent hygiene, referent quality, reception of new hires, tutor, trainer...

* You invest in the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee or become a staff representative or a works council member.

* Enter into working groups on cross-cutting projects or on development projects.

* Make a training and adapt it to the company needs and use it to enrich your position.

Tip: If there is no improvement after the interview, send a registered letter informing the situation. It is, in the role and obligations of the employer to provide work to these employees.

5 - Consider changing job

If there is no internal solution, you will have to consider changing job:

* Ask for a skills assessment. You can do this without informing your employer, outside working hours.

* Explore the job market:

- watch for ads.
- talk about it.
- enrich and heal your profiles on professional social networks.

* do not resign, without finding a solution.

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