Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Human Resources Director

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Human Resources Director

Everyone knows him as HRD. He is also known as Director of Personnel, Human Relations Director or Director of Social Affairs. Supervisor with a large S of human resources in the company, he is a real chief with multiple skills.

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The HRD daily

The responsibilities of the human resources director cover all human relations in the company.

In concrete terms, he oversees social relations, ie dialogue with the social partners (trade unions, works councils, staff representatives...), administration and personnel management, training, internal communication...

Placed directly under the direction of the general director, it is him who proposes a human resources management policy and defines the methods of application.

Guarantee of the social climate

In this way, he analyzes the human needs of the company and gives instructions to the recruitment officers to select the candidates likely to reinforce the workforce.

He also organizes the career management of the company's employees, their professional development and their progress in the hierarchy.

Finally, his services ensure the administrative follow-up of employees (leave, contracts, payroll, sickness...).

Skills required to practice this occupation

- Sense of dialogue and conciliation
- Strong managerial skills
- Strategic and political skills
- Firmness, authority

Positions and functions of HRD

The responsibilities of the human resources director vary enormously depending on the size of the structure in which he works. In a large group, he is often a member of the executive committee and plays a strategic role.

In small companies, he is more on the ground. Characteristic of this profession: the need for maturity and experience.

Professional evolution

HRDs can expand their function by including the administrative or financial management, or even access to the general management of the company. A certain number are changing their minds and becoming consultants in a human resources consulting firm.

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