Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: February 2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ethical Hacker

The ethical hacker thinks and acts as a web hacker to protect the company that employs him from cybercrime. His mission: to test the vulnerability of its information system. A very popular position.

Resultado de imagem para Ethical Hacker

The ethical hacker is a "nice" hacker, an offensive computer security specialist for the protection of companies computer systems. His role: attacking computer security systems to test their vulnerability. His activity allows companies to detect the flaws in their system to enable them to better protect themselves from possible attacks of cybercriminals.

A genius of the Web

To succeed in his mission, he must put himself in the shoes of pirates, think like them to better block them. Mandated by his client, he then tries intrusion tests by circumventing the security rules to see if the information system (computers, connected cars, supermarket cash registers, hydroelectric power stations...) set up by the company, resists or not to a computer attack.

Skills required

- Computer security enthusiast

- Regulatory knowledge

- Creativity

Curriculum / training

Some higher education or engineering school formations train the hacking techniques.


The Internet is a field favorable to the expansion of all kinds of offenses. Companies need this professional to protect their computer security system, of the public or private sector, from cybercrime. All sectors are concerned: IT, administration, retail, automotive...

IT Security Expert

The security expert must protect online data of a website to be managed.

To protect online data of a website, several steps are to be planned. First, the vulnerability evaluation of the site to various types of attacks. Next, the definition of solutions adapted to the security of the address according to certain quality standards. 

Resultado de imagem para IT Security Expert

Finally, the establishment of the security elements. The security officer must conduct a relentless hunt for viruses.

Skills required

- Computer knowledge

- Sense of anticipation

- Available

Curriculum / training

High school + 5 in computer science often completed with a specialization will be the unique sought profiles: university masters, diplomas of engineers or specialized schools. Some years of experience are desirable to be performing in this profession.


The IT Security Expert can work in any company with a website that needs to be protected. He can also intervene independently and occasionally for several websites.

Professional evolution

There are several possible evolutions towards positions of Project Director, Director of the Information System... These positions are accessible after several years of experience.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Career Perspective

A good career perspective will help you to define the type of career you are looking for, as well as the sector in which you wish to work. To put all chances on your side, advice is available.

Career perspective: defining your career

Career perspective will inevitably come from the choice of the career sector in which you will evolve. Also, when you leave school or when you are looking for a balance sheet, you have to define:

* primary objectives;

* competences;

* ability to evolve;

* possible outlets;

* own ambitions;

* means you are ready to implement.

Getting to know each other is the basis for defining your career prospects.

Career perspective: choosing between public and private

The career perspective is not the same if you choose to enter the public sector or the private sector.

Public and liberal sector

The liberal, public and parapublic sectors most often concern jobs chosen by passion or for the "pleasure" to practice the job.

Career perspectives are often already predefined and are defined according to the seniority of the employees.

These sectors have as career prospects to lead you to the circles:

* legal framework;

* medical treatment;

* public;

* military;

* social.

Personal investment is often very important and the salary is not always up to par.

Private sector

The private sector generally offers a larger and more attractive career prospect. This way offers a stronger attraction because it is a more lucrative sector and it allows an easier evolution.

Attention: as much it is possible to climb the rungs more easily, as much it is possible to descend them just as quickly.

The private sector is often a highly competitive sector, where it is important to maximize at every moment. The right to make mistakes is less important than in the public.

Career orientation in the private sector often leads to the following sectors:

* industrial;

* HR;

* commercial.

Career perspective: tips for successful careers

By imagining your career perspective, you definitely had to come up with a career plan. 

This one will allow you to give a certain dynamic to your research and your career evolution, while remaining in your perspective of predefined career.

To increase your chances to follow the career perspective you have set, it is important:

* to have a spirit of initiative;

* to have a good interpersonal communication;

* to be useful, but not indispensable;

* to be mobile even if it means launching into expatriation;

* to know how to manage a group and maintain relationships at work;

* to know how to  master and negotiate.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Human Resources Department

The human resources department: essential to the smooth running of the company.

Human resources management is provided by the human resources department.

Main activities of the human resources department

The human resources department is attached to the human resources management. It manages staff administrative records, develops action plans to improve working conditions.

There are many HR activities. They cover several areas:

* Remuneration: salaries, bonuses, allowances, expense claims, participation, profit-sharing, benefits in kind.

* Staff absences and leaves:

- paid vacation;
- days of working time reduction;
- leave without pay;
- sabbatical leave;
- business start-up leave;
- leave for training;
- sick child leave;
- sick child day;
- maternity leave;
- unjustified absence;
- absence for an event such as the birth of a child, absence from the union, etc...

HR and Personnel Management

The HR department ensures the management of the personnel thanks to powerful tools and methods, in particular in the following areas:

* recruitment;

* evaluation of staff;

* career management;

* work time;

* training;

* problems:

- work accident;
- disciplinary sanctions;
- dismissal.

* Representative institution:

- staff representatives;
- election of staff representatives;
- committee on enterprise;
- committee of health, safety and working conditions.

HR Professions

In large companies, the HR department is managed by a group of employees. The most frequent jobs are:

* Human Resources Director;

* Human Resources Manager;

* Human Resources Assistant;

* HR Consultant;

* Recruitment Officer;

* Training Officer.

Saturday, February 18, 2017


The surgeon-dentist treats diseases of the mouth, teeth and jaws.

The daily duties of the surgeon-dentist

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The surgeon-dentist is not limited to the care of the teeth. He performs radiology and performs diagnoses before treating patients' teeth. As a surgeon, he is primarily responsible for operating the patients: he can extract teeth, perform gum grafts or implant pivots in the bones of the jaw. He watches over the aesthetics of the smile.

Advice and prevention

Like any medical specialist, the surgeon-dentist advises and warns patients. He intervenes in oral hygiene, conducts monitoring visits and performs scaling to reduce the risk of dental problems.

Permanent technological developments

Surgeon-dentists have long time been considered the enemies of children. Due to technological advances, new materials and increasingly computerized and sophisticated radiology equipment, dental care is no longer a problem. Everything has been designed to alleviate or even eliminate pain during interventions. This specialist is keeping up to date with the latest developments and does not hesitate to equip his cabinet with state-of-the-art equipment.

Skills required to become a surgeon-dentist

- Excellent knowledge of dental terminology

- Mastery of dental techniques and practices

- Ability, precision

- Adaptation

- Good physical resistance

The training to be carried out in order to practice this profession

Six years of study and obtaining a Diploma of Doctor in Surgery-Dentistry are required to practice this profession. The training begins with the first common year for health studies. The transition to the second year is conditioned by the success of a competition at the end of the year. Many candidates present each year and places are limited which requires serious and effective preparation.

Opportunities for the job

Surgeon-dentists perform on a liberal basis. They may also be employed in hospitals, health care establishments. Enrollment in the National Order of Surgeon-Dentists is mandatory in order to work.

The upcoming retirements will offer many opportunities for young surgery-dentistry graduates.

Professional evolution

Surgeon-dentists can move from salaried status to liberal status by resuming or establishing a firm. They can also specialize through orthodontic training to practice orthodontics or become a teacher in dental schools.

IT Consultant

The Information Technology (IT) Consultant works within a company to advise and support employees in the use of new technologies that will enable them to optimize their performance.

Resultado de imagem para IT Consultant

Whether an employee of a company or affiliated with a digital services company, the IT consultant works with a company that wishes to optimize its IT performance. It can also guide the company's customers in the use of new IT tools.

Propose adapted solutions

The consultant starts by taking stock of the expectations of a company in terms of computer equipment. He then makes a diagnosis of the company situation and proposes the broad orientations and technological innovations adapted to the needs of the company. He must also ensure that the entire IT renewal project complies with the company's security policy and rules.

Guiding employees

The consultant puts in place the recommended solutions for the company. It installs new technologies in the whole of society. He evaluates and verifies that all of these innovations work. Finally, he accompanies the employees of the company when setting up the new IT tools. To do this, he can organize e-Learning sessions so that all employees are informed about the technological innovations they have. As the information technology sector is rapidly evolving, the IT advisor carries out technological surveys in order to keep abreast of the latest technological innovations that could be used in the course of his activity.

IT consultant skills required

Becoming an IT consultant requires:

- Knowledge of different technological innovations

- Interpersonal skills

- Proficiency of computer scinece english

- Rigor, method and organization

- Autonomous work

IT consultant jobs

Numerous top IT consulting companies, consulting firms and digital services companies are looking for new IT consultants because the evolution is particularly rapid in this field. Moreover, many independent consultants are required to intervene in companies in the framework of more or less long  missions. Some large companies may also hire IT specialists.

Professional evolution

After a few years of experience, the IT consultant can use his skills by becoming a project manager, service manager or senior consultant.

IT Database Administrator

Also called database engineer, this computer science genius is responsible for all the information of a company. It defines and manages a data system to make it safe, accessible, but mostly useful.

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The "database" represents the digital library of a company and regroups all the documents relating to its activity. The network shares this information and shares it with the users, that is to say the employees of the company. In connection with the development teams, the administrator works on the optimization of this information system.

Simplify the task for users

Its primary role is to draft principles for defining data. It is responsible and must assist users in their consultation, for example, it manages the access rights to the data. The database engineer ensures the structuring, saving and organization of this stock. It also makes development, behind this dissemination function, it can make this information explicit, equip and animate data software. This provides a basis for the company's decisions. This is why it must be attentive to evolutions and needs.

Skills required

- Technical knowledge, complex computer science systems

- Sense of organization

- Pragmatism


Employee, the IT database administrator can work in the IT department of a large company, administrations, a SME in services or in a Digital Services Company. You have to be familiar with the company, that is why recruitment is often done internally.

His days may be long, some modifications being made outside opening hours. He works from his office or from the company.

Professional evolution

With experience, he evolves towards the development of techniques and can specialize in the use of functional data, references to develop decisive statistics.

An orientation towards the position of IT department director is also possible.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Motivating a Team

A team is a group of professionals brought together to work on a project. In order to move forward harmoniously and effectively, the team must maintain its motivation. Numerous levers among the factors of motivation in company allow to build an effective teamwork:

* the mission of the team with a clear objective, a specific task, means and resources;

* the organization and rules of functioning of the team with the distribution of roles, written and oral communication tools, information channels, coordination arrangements within the team;

* the relationships and the atmosphere within the team, ie the social life of the team, cohesion, conflict management, commitment and confidence.

Motivation is a matter of good will, it is built. So here is how to motivate a team.

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1 - Clarify values, mission and goals

First, it is important that the team is mobilized around the project. Begin by explaining to the team the outlines of its mission. For it :

* Express and share common values.
For example, as part of a company of service for seniors, it is more motivating to "respect the choice of the elderly person to live at home" than "to clean and feed".

* Then, decline these values ​​into projects.
For example: "allowing the elderly to live at home".

* Work in project mode: a goal to be achieved in action plan. This is very motivating because the teammates see the results come true in a shorter time.

- set clear and precise objectives:

a- Delineate the role of each and team (who does what, how and with whom?);
b- formulate action plans.

2 - Promote communication within the team

Good communication within the team is essential for good efficiency. This also ensures good understanding and can avoid many conflicts.

For effective team communication:

* Be precise: avoid vague words and approximations. When possible and useful, quantify.
For example: rather than saying "he has eaten well", say if he has finished his plate, if he has eaten a full meal, if he has eaten a soup and a dairy, how many plums he has taken (If the person in question has to go on a diet, for example) and if he arrived late was it five minutes or an hour.

Good to know: The precision degree of the useful information (and therefore the level of detail) to be given depends on the person receiving the information.

* When describing a situation or problem, use the (who, what, when, where, how, how much, for what). Decline these questions so that your message is complete: who acted, who was present...

* Reformulate important messages to your contact.

* Take note of the initial message by going back to the source so as not to let a rumor spread.

* To avoid and manage conflicts, say when something is wrong.

* Distinguish facts, feelings and opinions:

- the facts are objectively established;
- the feelings are not discussed and respected;
- the opinions are discussed.

* Establish a charter: everyone can ask for what he need and can offer what he think, can match the needs of others.

* Form the team in communication and teamwork.

* Promote collaborations with other teams within the company. It is particularly motivating to be integrated into the company's progress.

3 - Develop a collective work

It is also very important to ensure that everyone within the team feels in his place and useful.

* Let everyone know about the work and progress of the team's project:

- determine who is useful to what, who is responsible for what, who decides, who is the arbitrator in the event of an appeal, who is an expert and in what area, who is competent and in what, etc. ;
- organize meetings on project monitoring and strategies for success. For this :

a - share observations, reflections, contributions, perceptions of strengths and weaknesses and opportunities;
b - analyze the difficulties in working group.
c - conduct research on collective solutions (method: state, cause, action...).

* Stimulate the creativity of the team by leaving autonomy to the team.

* Encourage the return of experience, each one will thus enrich the achievements of his colleagues.

* Recognize the work of the team and each of its members. Everyone must feel recognized individually and indispensable to the success of the team.

* Offer the team the time of training, team building activities.

* Promote a relaxed atmosphere by putting at the disposal of the team a break room, coffee...

* Do not hesitate to offer convivial moments such as team meals.

Communicate by E-Mail

Know how to communicate by e-mail to know how to be heard.

Making a career, whether a public career or even a career in the private sector, begins with successful company integration and interpersonal communication.

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Communicate by e-mail: for what?

The goal of the e-mail is to get a message across the Internet hoping in general for an answer, it is not like writing a note.

The e-mail can concern two targets:

* the correspondent with whom contacts are regularly maintained, he knows you;

* the correspondent who you want to challenge, or even convince to get in touch with the latter (potential customers, suppliers, etc.).

To communicate by e-mail, there are therefore several simple rules to respect.

Communicate by e-mail: what are the simple rules for communicating well?

The first, which is crucial, is to make a good impression so that your recipients open and read your messages.

To do this, we will need to:

* Please login or register.

- by putting your sender name in the sender field and indicating the subject of your message.
- these two points will help you to pass the "basket" course of the unread mail, your recipients are already quite invaded by the spams.

* The content of e-mail: it must be concise, airy and pleasant to read.

- to avoid the "high definition" page that blocks for a while the mailbox of your correspondent.
- however, you can send attached documents, pay attention to the weight that should not exceed 500 KB.
- to avoid annoying your interlocutor, write instead links of your website or your blog.

* The text: do not write a river novel, it will not be read. Prefer a summary of your message (10 to 15 lines maximum):

- insist on what you can bring to your correspondent as well as the many benefits;
- indicate also in the body of the text the presence of an attached document;
- of course, look after the presentation, grammar and spelling;
- know that capitalized words mean you are angry and shouting, think carefully before sending words or phrases in uppercase.

* The layout: attention, not everyone has a large screen, use conventional suitable fonts.

* The selection of recipients: there are two types of recipients:

- those who are recipients of the mail and who generally have to respond,
- those who simply have to be informed, they will therefore be in a congruent copy (Cc).

* Sending:

- take a step back, re-read, because once the mail is sent, it is irreversible you will not be able to go back.
- you can also set the priority of the messages according to their importance or urgency. 

To be credible, do not use this option on all messages.

In conclusion: your e-mail is your image and that of your company.

Communicate by e-mail: some tips

Here are some tips for communicating with your correspondents:

* Check your message before sending to avoid blunders and/or damage.

* Avoid giving your address book to all your correspondents, it does not concern them, use the e-mailing:

- send the mail as a hidden copy to all recipients,
- create a group.

* It is essential to install an antivirus on your computer.

* Before forwarding a mail, make sure you have permission from the author.

* Do not forget the polite form of the style: "Yours" or "cordially".

Communicate by e-mail: what not to do

To communicate well by e-mail, there are also things not to be done, namely:

* Avoid participating in the circulation of channels that are often harmful and are of no interest to your correspondents.

* To be avoided, the sending of confidential information, passwords or the number of credit card or other.