Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Specific Qualities to Work in Human Resources

Friday, August 4, 2017

Specific Qualities to Work in Human Resources

In occupations related to relationships, you will need to know: listening to others, expressing yourself clearly, without judgment, hearing and understanding other points of view, negotiating, and having good emotional stability.Recruitment, training, career management. 

Resultado de imagem para Human Resources

These functions bring you to manage the evolution of a person within a company. You will therefore have to be both pedagogical and analytical:

* Above all, you must have a global vision of the company in which you work:

- indeed, it is on this vision that you will base your recruitment strategy.
- in addition, you will be able to assess training needs.
- moreover, from this vision the rules will flow to know to be within the company, guaranteeing (or not!) the good working relations between the employees.
- so you have to think about both the short term (managing conflicts, for example) and the long term (ensuring the smooth running of the company by ensuring social cohesion within it).

* You must also show some psychological finesse:

- it will allow you to quickly know if a person has the profile suitable for the company, as well as the position to which applies.
- this means that you need to know how to test a person, question him/her to assess his/her ability to respond to the needs and constraints of the job.

* Generally, for these jobs, you must:

- listen to others;
- know how to express yourself clearly;
- never judge hastily;
- hear and understand other points of view;
- have ability to make decisions;
- have a good intuition.

Good to know: a knowledge of social networks is a plus. In addition, diplomas in psychology may be required.


With the crisis, some HR jobs hire less, but there are still recruiting sectors:

* accompaniment to employment;

* training.

This is quite logical, since these jobs allow to promote the hiring, and thus to fight against unemployment.

The field of human resources is evolving a lot, and it is an essential sector for a company! And when the economy picks up again, it is one of the first sectors to benefit.

Be sure to have the right profile for your job:

* Difficulty orienting you? you can seek advice from professionals for your guidance.

* The HR sector is accessible to those seeking to retrain professionally. However, it is necessary to make sure that you have the necessary skills.

* In any case, reorganizing your resume is a way to optimize your chances of success in this new sector.

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