Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Legal Career

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Legal Career

The legal career (professions of justice and law) depends, for the public sector, of the Ministry of Justice.

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However, these professions may be exercised:

* in liberal: lawyer, notary,

* or in the private sector: corporate lawyers, legal secretary.

These occupations are organized in "orders" to regulate access to the profession.

Rules of ethics are defined, the same applies in case of non-respect of the rules.

What are the main professions in the legal field?

The professions of justice and civil service law can be decomposed as follows:

* the judicial professions: public prosecutor, general attorney, judge, general advocate, deputy, clerk;

* the penitentiary professions: director, penitentiary counselor of insertion and probation, supervisor;

* the judicial protection of juveniles concerning the care of juvenile delinquents and the protection of children: educator, director, psychologist;

* the administrative channels: judicial administrators and agents who concern especially companies in difficulty (reorganization and/or liquidation), auditors, auctioneers, conciliators, notaries, lawyers, bailiffs, etc.

Legal career: how to make a career?

To pursue a legal career in the public service, it is imperative to pass the examinations that correspond to a well defined function.

For example, for judicial professions, you must enroll in the competition of a National School of Magistracy.

Law professionals are categorized by category A B and C.

Professions, wages and professional development are regulated.

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