Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Define Career Plan

Monday, August 14, 2017

Define Career Plan

A career in one or more companies, represents decades of your professional and private life especially since the lengthening of retirement.

Your career choice will depend on your professional development.

Nowadays, a career does not mean working for the same company throughout your life, as did our grandparents and/or our parents.

The globalization and the current crisis bring a fragility in the world of work, it is difficult to perform a flawless career without dismissal. Unemployment is watching you and sometimes insecurity.
However, we must move forward and to evolve, we will have to move to build a career plan. Pick the best opportunities to find a job that meets your real expectations.

To make a career you must: open better horizons for better orientation and flourish in the professional life.
To do this, there will be several components:
- your training, short or long course; hence depends your first taken post;
- your integration into the company;
- mobility: international career generally follows on expatriation;
- your professional evaluation that will be used to regularly determine your professional skills through assessment interviews,
- professional retraining, therefore changing the work if necessary.
Your career development will depend on all these criteria.

Define the professional project

So you will set yourself a goal. Therefore, you will put in place a strategy that will include:
- target = vocational activity you wish to exercise;
- action plans: resources and means to identify and mobilize for a successful professional career,
* know your personal qualities = life skills,

* your knowledge = general culture,

* your technical skills = expertise,

* your relationships and professional network.

- a provisional schedule defining your various actions in time.
To succeed in your career plan, it will require to be defined and precise, in order to have more chances to succeed.
Throughout your professional career, you can evolve your career plans as opportunities may arise, experiences, meetings and/or the work market.
Your career plan will be modified, enriched or abandoned to head another professional project.

Make one or more professional projects?

Make one or more professional projects avoids the risk of being wrong to direction and rectifies your choice if necessary. This will also bounce back.
So you take the time to think, before setting it so that will be: motivating, achievable and realistic according to your personality and your skills.
Finally, build one or more professional projects is:
- to know what you like,
- to present and argue what you want in an interview (recruitment or when you ask a promotion),
- to be useful in the creation or resumption of activity, or in a career transition.
Build a professional project, this is not an inaction, as any well conducted and targeted action will be decisive and more effective to achieve the realization of a successful professional career.

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