Tweets by ProFouad1 Career and Jobs: Executive Status: Principles and Advantages

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Executive Status: Principles and Advantages

Becoming an executive is a goal for many employees. This goal can be achieved through the use of diplomas, experience, or simply through the implementation of different skills.

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This project of personal evolution is legitimate. It implies a significant improvement in the wage and the professional situation.

Executive status: what is it?

First, there is no formal definition of executive status, although it is often associated with:

* a high level of study;

* and autonomy in decision-making within the company.

The Labor Code uses this status to designate who can be a voter in the management section, reserved for employees with a high level of study. It is the case of:

* engineers;

* employees with technical, administrative, legal, commercial or financial training;

* supervisors (employees with responsibilities in the management of a team), if they have a written delegation;

* representative and salesperson, also called sales representatives, whose business is to sell a product or service to a clientele (individuals or companies).

Good to know: although the term "executive" often refers to a high financial situation, in no case does the salary account for a definition of managerial status.

Who assigns the executive status?

There is a vagueness around the definition of the executive status:

* In order to avoid abuses, an employer must be able to objectively justify the advantages he grants to some of his employees by appointing them executives.

* This information is often found in the collective agreement. Generally, executive status is based on function, degree, workload, supervising and directing employees.

Good to know: in the case of dismissal, a non-executive employee may assert his or her rights in court and obtain the same allowances as an executive if the differences in status are not objective and described in the collective agreement.

Executive status: Benefits

Salary is probably the first and most important benefit of the executive. However, there are still many other privileges related to the executive status:

* Often, an executive has more paid leave than another employee.

* This promotion also makes it possible to contribute at the supplementary pension fund for executives, in addition to the pension plan for employees.

* an executive contributes for an association for the employment of executives, which can guarantee to them advantages during periods of unemployment.

* lastly, in addition to these benefits, there is often an improvement in the pension system (supplementary social protection).

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